Netflix's "Against the Ropes" or "Contra Las Cuerdas", created by Carolina Rivera, is a Mexican comedy-drama tv series that follows Ángela, an ex-convict released from prison after several years. After...
Netflix film "Narvik" aka "Narvik: Hitler's First Defeat" or "Kampen om Narvik" is a Norwegian historical war drama set in the spring of 1940. It revolves around a famous battle...
Netflix's 'Bling Empire: New York' is a reality tv series that revolves around a group of sophisticated and wealthy Asian Americans navigating various aspects of their lives in the city....
Netflix's "Represent" or "En Place", created by Jean-Pascal Zadi and François Uzan, is a French comedy series that follows the leader of a suburban black youth center who is convinced...
Netflix's Shanty Town, created by Xavier Ighorodj, is a Nigerian action crime series that revolves around a group of courtesans trying to escape the clutches of a dangerous and notorious...
Netflix's "Shahmaran" or "Şahmaran" created by Pinar Bulut is a Turkish fantasy series that follows Sahsa who has the opportunity to visit her estranged grandfather because he has a lecture...
Netflix's "The Post-Truth World" or "Zuì hòu zhēn xiàng", directed by Chen I-fu, is a Taiwanese crime mystery film that follows sports star Chang, who was convicted of killing his...
The Netflix series "Women at War" or "Les Combattantes", created by Camille Trainer and Cécile Lorne, is a Franco-Belgian historical drama series set in 1914 during the war. German soldiers...
Netflix's JUNG_E, written and directed by Yeon Sang-ho, is a South Korean science fiction adventure drama set in the late 22nd century when Earth has become an uninhabitable planet due...
Netflix's 'That '90s Show' is a period sitcom created by Bonnie Turner, Gregg Mettler, Terry Turner, and Lindsey Turner, set in the summer of 1995, two decades after the events...