Netflix’s “Against the Ropes” or “Contra Las Cuerdas”, created by Carolina Rivera, is a Mexican comedy-drama tv series that follows Ángela, an ex-convict released from prison after several years. After staying away from her daughter for so long, Ángela notices that she hates her and moves in with her ex-husband and his new partner who is a Lucha Libre wrestler. Now, in order to regain her daughter’s love and respect, Ángela not only tries to prove her innocence but also enters the ring herself as a mysterious figure wearing a mask.
Hilarious yet dramatic performances by the talented cast of Caraly Sánchez, Carmen Ramos, Scarlet Gruber, and Priscela Izquierdo keep the audience in suspense. At the same time, the wrestling arena where Ángela fights other wrestlers with a mask on her head, as well as other locations introduced throughout the show, will surely make you wonder where “Against the Ropes” is shot.
Where Was Against the Ropes Series Filmed?
“Against the Ropes” Series is filmed in Mexico, particularly in Mexico City. Principal photography for the initial iteration of the comedy series apparently took place between May and June 2022.
Since the story takes place in Mexico, the crew decided to shoot the show in the United States of Mexico itself to give viewers a more immersive experience.
Most of the key sequences of “Against the Ropes” take place in and around Mexico City, Mexico’s capital and largest city. To film most of the Lucha Libre match scenes, the film crew appears to be using the premises of an actual wrestling arena and possibly one of the film studios where they are setting up for them. In addition, the production team ostensibly travels across Mexico City to film various scenes, both interiors, and exteriors, on suitable backdrops.
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CDMX is located in the Valley of Mexico and is considered one of the most important economic centers in all of Latin America. While its economy is driven by several sectors, tourism plays a huge role as it is a popular tourist destination with millions of tourists visiting the city every year.
Mexico City is home to a number of recognizable landmarks and tourist attractions, including the golden Angel of Independence, the National Palace, Avenida de los Insurgentes, the National Museum of Anthropology, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Plaza de las Tres Culturas, and the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, to name a few.
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Apart from tourists, the city of palaces also attracts many filmmakers. In fact, the city’s locations have appeared in a number of productions over the years.
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