Netflix’s ‘Bling Empire: New York’ is a reality tv series that revolves around a group of sophisticated and wealthy Asian Americans navigating various aspects of their lives in the city. They prefer to indulge in direct conversations, while there is fierce competition for love, money, and power.
The city is filled with many billionaires, CEOs, and fashion icons that the stars of the show interact with. Starring as Dorothy Wang from the parent show ‘Bling Empire: New York’, Tina Leung, Stephen Hung, Deborah Hung, and Richard Chang also star. With some iconic landmarks as a backdrop, it’s natural to wonder where the reality show is actually filmed.
Where Was Bling Empire: New York Series Filmed?
“Bling Empire: New York” is filmed in New York, particularly in and around New York City. Principal photography for the show’s initial iteration has apparently taken place in the summer of 2022.
New York
Most of the movie “Bling Empire: New York” takes place in and around New York, the most populous city and also the most densely populated capital of the United States. By the looks of it, the production team is traveling across the Big Apple to shoot various scenes, exteriors, and interiors, against suitable backdrops. Located at the southern tip of New York State, New York City is known for having a significant influence on the arts, healthcare, fashion, sports, politics, education, tourism, technology, and more.
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With a number of neighborhoods and landmarks considered the main landmarks of the city, NYC attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year, making it one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. Some of the iconic and famous landmarks in the city that never sleeps are Times Square, the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Stonewall Inn, Rockefeller Center, and Manhattan’s Chinatown. might have been able to see in the background of several scenes of the reality series.
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Apart from being one of the most popular among tourists, it is also popular with filmmakers as many visit the city for filming. In fact, New York City has hosted the production of many film projects over the years. In addition to ‘Bling Empire: New York’, New York and its surrounding locations have appeared in ‘Kourtney and Khloé Take The Hamptons’ ‘Summer House’, and ‘Secrets and Wives’.
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