'Brokeback Mountain' is a 2005 romantic drama film directed by Ang Lee. When the two part ways after a short time, the narrative follows their lives where they meet several...
"Coach Carter" Director by Thomas Carter is a drama, history movie that follows Ken Carter as he takes over as the basketball coach at his old high school. To get...
Amazon Prime's "Catherine Called Birdy" is Based on Karen Cushman's 1994 novel of the same name. Directed by Lena Dunham, is a medieval comedy that centers around the titular teenager...
Amazon Prime's 'My Best Friend’s Exorcism' Based on Grady Hendrix's 2016 novel of the same name, is a comedy horror film directed by Damon Thomas and set in the late...
Amazon Prime's "Goodnight Mommy" is a psychological thriller directed by Matt Sobel. It follows twins Elias and Lucas as they arrive at their mother's country house. Upon arrival, they notice...
Amazon Prime's Samaritan is an action superhero film directed by Julius Avery. Based on the eponymous graphic novel by Bragi F. Schut, Marc Olivent, and Renzo Podesta. It revolves around...
"A League of Their Own," created by Will Graham and Abbi Jacobson, is a period sports drama series that details the story of the Rockford Peaches. It takes place in...
The Age of Adaline is a 2015 American romantic fantasy movie directed by Lee Toland Krieger and written by J. Mills Goodloe and Salvador Paskowitz. The movie stars Michael Huisman,...
"Paper Girls" is a sci-fi, Fantasy drama Tv series produced by Stephanie Folsom. Based on the comic book series of the same name written by Brian K. Vaughan. Early on...
“The Terminal List is an action thriller series that revolves around Lt. James Reece, whose entire team of Navy SEALs is attacked out of the blue while on an undercover...