Netflix’s ‘That ’90s Show’ is a period sitcom created by Bonnie Turner, Gregg Mettler, Terry Turner, and Lindsey Turner, set in the summer of 1995, two decades after the events of the parent show. The narrative focuses primarily on Leia Forman, the teenage daughter of Eric Forman and Donna Pinciotti, who visits her grandparents, Red and Kitty, for the summer. During her stay at Point Place, she gets to know other teenagers and forms meaningful connections with them.
This comedy tv series features hilarious performances from many talented actors and actresses, including Ashley Aufderheide, Callie Haverda, Mace Coronel, and Maxwell Acee Donovan, with many guest stars from the original series such as Topher Grace, Mila Kunis, and Ashton Kutcher. Moreover, the similar environment of the show will make one know everything about the filming locations.
Where Was That ’90s Show Series Filmed?
“That ’90s Show” is filmed in California and ostensibly in Wisconsin, including Los Angeles. According to reports, principal photography for the initial iteration of the spin-off series began in early February 2022 and ended in July of that year.
Most of “The 90s Show” takes place in Los Angeles, the largest city in California and the second most populous city in the United States. The production team primarily uses facilities at Netflix’s headquarters at Sunset Bronson Studios at 5800 Sunset Boulevard.
The film studio, formerly known as KTLA Studios and Tribune Studios, was founded in 1919 and is home to multiple sound stages of various sizes and production offices. All these advantages make it an ideal filming location for various productions.
The set of That ’90s Show tries to retain many aspects of the original series, including a multi-camera format and several sets and settings that look almost like replica sets from ‘The ’70s Show.’, scenes are taped in front of a live audience. Over the years, Sunset Bronson Studios has hosted the production of various television series, including Divorce Court, Hannah Montana, The Phenomenon, and Judge Judy.
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Located in Southern California, Los Angeles is known for its upscale neighborhoods, beautiful beaches, ties to the Hollywood industry, and sprawling downtown. The City of Angels consists of several attractions and points of interest that attract millions of tourists to the city every year.
Some notable landmarks are the Hollywood Sign, the Huntington Library, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Museum of Contemporary Art.
Several parts of ‘The 90s Show’, especially the exterior scenes, are ostensibly filmed in Wisconsin, the 20th most populous state in the United States. The state’s economy depends on several sectors, including agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, and film production.
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Wisconsin has been a prominent filming location for many major movies and television projects, including Bridesmaids, Back to School, Uncle Buck, and Laverne & Shirley.