“1899” is a gripping sci-fi TV series on Netflix created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. When a passenger ship traveling from London to New York receives signals from a missing ship called the Prometheus, a detour must be taken to save the vessel, which was adrift four months ago. Strange and inexplicable events begin to happen and chaos ensues. Most of the story takes place aboard ships amidst the endless waters of the ocean.
The color tones, rendering of the climate and hyper-realistic backdrops captivate the audience and immerse them in the story. They complete the overall mood of the various characters and enhance their brilliant performances. All these aspects make us curious about the filming locations and even the techniques used in 1899.
Where Was 1899 Series Filmed?
‘1899’ is being filmed in Germany and England, particularly in Potsdam and London. While test shooting for the lens took place in November 2020, main photography on the initial iteration officially began on May 3, 2021, and ended on November 5 of that year.
Initially, the showrunners had planned to visit different countries such as Spain, Poland, and Scotland, but the pandemic disrupted that plan and set the stage for something groundbreaking.
“1899” is almost entirely shot in Potsdam, the capital of the state of Brandenburg, which is also the only UNESCO-listed city of the film in Germany. The cast and crew camped out in Volume, a virtual production set at Studio Babelsberg, at August-Bebel-Street 26-53.
Almost all the key scenes involving different parts of the ship such as the deck and the fire room are shown here. Studio Babelsberg is the oldest extensive studio complex in the world.
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After ‘The Mandalorian’, ‘1899’ is one of the biggest shows to film most of the series using virtual production technology. In an interview with Deadline, creators Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese mentioned that the technology is brand new and took it as a challenge to learn.
They even spoke to the team behind “The Mandalorian” to get perspective on the process and even built a test studio at Shepperton Studios in the UK.
This new technology is seen as the future of filmmaking and cinematography as it has the potential to replace green screens. While technology minimizes the post-production process, preparing to create such visuals takes time and immense effort. To elevate this aspect, the production team also constructed sets and units to display the various environments.
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Part of the Berlin/Brandenburg metropolitan area, Potsdam lies on the Havel River and has a hilly landscape dotted with lakes. The city is more than a thousand years old and has cultural and historical significance.
Potsdam is home to the parks and palaces of Sanssouci, as well as other places of interest such as the Orangery Palace, Germany’s largest World Heritage Site, the Cecilienhof Palace, and the Brandenburg Gate. The hit films ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ V For Vendetta’, and ‘Inglourious Basterds’ were filmed at Babelsberg Studios in Potsdam.
Major parts of the 1899 Netflix series are filmed in London, as several characters are English. These locations will likely appear in the series as we follow the characters’ stories before they board the ship. The ancient buildings of the city and the overall Victorian atmosphere lend themselves well to these scenes in the show.
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Overall, the scenes shot in the studio and on location in London are seamlessly interwoven to give viewers a smooth viewing experience.
Related – Mind Your Manners (2022): Where Was Netflix’s Series Filmed?