Netflix’s “Love in the Villa,” written and directed by Mark Steven Johnson, is a romantic comedy film that follows a young woman named Julie who takes a breakup vacation to a romantic international destination. However, when she arrives at her booked villa, she discovers that it has been booked twice and now has to share her villa as well as the holiday with the cynical but attractive Brit Charlie.
As time goes on and the pair spend more time together, sparks fly between them, and their chance of meeting turns into something romantic.
The rom-com features impressive performances from some of the most popular names in the entertainment industry, including Kat Graham, Tom Hopper, Laura Hopper, and Raymond Ablack. While the romantic narrative keeps the audience hooked to the film, the use of scenic locations creates interest in the actual filming locations.
Where Was Love in the Villa Movie Filmed?
“Love in the Villa” was filmed in Italy, specifically in Verona. Principal photography for director Mark Steven Johnson began in late September 2021 and ended in November of that year. Located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea in southern Europe, Italy comprises a peninsula bordered by the Alps and surrounded by numerous islands.
Due to its central geographical location, the country has historically been home to many people and cultures. This explains the historical features of the southern European country, which makes it the perfect location for a vacation movie like “Love in the Villa.” Now let’s follow Julia and Charles as they take us to all the specific locations that appear in the Love in the Villa movie. !
Most of “Love in the Villa” was set in and around Verona, a city on the Adige River in Italy’s Veneto region. Casa di Giulietta, or Juliet’s House, at Via Cappello, 23, Verona, was the villa that Juliet and Charles share in the film.
This 14th-century Gothic-style house or museum is known to have inspired William Shakespeare, and you can catch glimpses of the surrounding area in various scenes of the film. In addition, Valerio Catullo Airport at 37066 Caselle Province of Verona served as a prominent production location for the rom-com.
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In one scene, Juliet and Charles are seen walking on the Ponte Pietra, a Roman arch bridge that crosses the Adige River. The cast and crew of “Love in the Villa” also set up camp in and around Palazzo Barbieri in central Verona’s Piazza Bra.
The production team used several squares throughout the city to film various sequences, including Piazza delle Erbe, Piazza Bra, Piazza Francesco Viviani, Piazzetta Sant’Eufemia, Piazza Brà Molinari, Piazzetta San Giorgio, and Piazzetta Santi Apostoli.
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In addition to the piazza, the crew was seen filming many key exterior scenes on various streets throughout Verona during filming. They are Via Madonna del Terraglio, Via Pellicciai, Via dei Gelsi, Via Leoncino, Vicolo Santa Cecilia, Lungadige Cangrande, Campagnola and the Capuleti embankment. The team even traveled from Verona to nearby Lake Garda for a short while to record some extra parts for the Netflix movie.