Netflix’s “Fakes” is a comedy-drama Tv series, Created by David Turk, that revolves around two best friends – Zoe and Becca – who end up building one of the largest fake ID empires in North America. They start their illegal business from the penthouse, and when it catches on and attracts many clients, they make more money than they can handle.
However, the boom of such a business brings its consequences. When Zoe and Becca are ambushed by the police, their life of crime becomes all too real as one of them ends up behind bars, leaving the other to help her get out.
The name ‘Fakes’ is quite fitting for this comedy series, not only because of the fake IDs that the best friends make but also because of the two-faced characters that are ever so present in the series. While the comedic yet suspenseful storytelling keeps the audience in their seats, the use of some interesting locations, including the penthouse, makes you think about the actual filming locations featured in the Fakes series.
Where Was Fakes Series Filmed?
“Fakes” is filmed exclusively in British Columbia, specifically in Vancouver. Principal photography for the inaugural iteration starring Emilija Baranac reportedly began in October 2021 and ended in December of that year. It’s a well-known fact that Vancouver, in particular, is usually paired with famous American cities like Seattle and New York for filming.
Although this is not the case with “Fakes” as it is set and filmed in the city and gives viewers a glimpse of the actual location. On that note, let’s not waste any more time going through the specific locations used for the production of the Netflix Fakes comedy series!
British Columbia
Key sequences for “Counterfeits” take place in and around Vancouver, a large western Canadian city in the Lower Mainland region of British Columbia. The production team will camp in Stanley Park, a 405-hectare public park, with the Vancouver Seawall looming in the background of many scenes.
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In addition, the cast and crew use the surrounding locations of the Lions Gate Bridge, particularly Ambleside Beach in West Vancouver; several scenes of the debut season were filmed overlooking the iconic bridge.
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Vancouver, popularly known as Hollywood North, is a prominent filming location due to filming tax credits, constant cloud cover that creates ideal lighting conditions, and the presence of hi-tech studios. He has appeared in various films and television shows over the years.
In addition to ‘Fakes’, some notable productions that have used the Vancouver setting are ‘Fresh’, ‘Happy Gilmore’, ‘Bates Motel’ ‘Star Trek Beyond, and ‘DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
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