“Mack & Rita” directed by Katie Aselton, is a comedy-drama film that revolves around Mack Martin, a 30-year-old loner who reluctantly joins a bachelorette trip to see her best friend Carla. However, instead of going to the event, she gets into a strange tent she finds and indulges in past life regression to wake up as a 70-year-old version of herself named Aunt Rita. As she gets used to her body and its consequences, she goes viral and becomes a social media sensation.
In addition, Rita becomes romantically involved with Mack’s dog sitter, Jack. This comedy features some hilarious performances from a talented cast including Diane Keaton, Elizabeth Lail, Taylour Paige, Dustin Milligan, and Simon Rex. While the hilarious story will tickle your funny bones, the interesting use of different locations will make you think about the actual filming locations of Mack & Rita.
Where Was Mack & Rita Movie Filmed?
“Mack & Rita” was filmed entirely in California, mainly in Greater Los Angeles. The principal photography of the comedy film started in March 2021 and ended in April of the same year in about a month. During production.
The filmmakers had to make several changes to the script, including removing the Coachella scene and not conducting chemistry tests between the actors before filming due to budget constraints and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Now, without further ado, let’s follow Mack and Rita on their transformation journey and go over all the specific locations that will appear in the Mack & Rita movie!
All key sequences for “Mack & Rita” were shot across Greater Los Angeles, the second-largest metropolitan region in the United States. It includes five counties: Ventura County, San Bernardino County, Riverside County, Los Angeles County, and Orange County. The property at 691 Mill Street in Los Angeles stands as Mack’s loft in the film, while the Paris Pilates scenes were recorded on the property at 3110 Sunset Boulevard.
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Many exterior and aerial shots were also taken in the City of Angels, including around the North Atwater Bridge at 3919 Rigali Avenue, 110 from the 4th Street Bridge in downtown Los Angeles, and 200 North Alvarado Street. Additionally, Ocean Park at Beach, located at 25 Ocean Park Boulevard in Santa Monica, served as a prominent production location for Diane Keaton’s lead role.
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In April 2021, the cast and crew were reportedly spotted at The Commons in Calabasas at 4799 Commons Way, Calabasas filming night scenes. In addition to filming aerial shots in Palm Springs, an important scene was filmed at 550 North Palm Canyon Drive in Palm Springs;
The film originally takes place in a desert resort. In an interview with LA Confidential in August 2022, director Katie Aselton was asked if the sunny setting of Los Angeles and Palm Springs helped capture the vibrancy that is so prominent in the film.
The filmmaker responded, “We shot so much on the Eastside and downtown Los Angeles, and it’s so bright and vibrant and colorful. There’s really a lot of visual aspect to this story of a girl who’s afraid to take risks, and so she lives a very safe, bland life, and then when she starts to get more comfortable in her own skin, you see more color and more texture and more vibrancy.
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