“Claim to Fame” is an ABC reality show co-hosted by siblings Kevin and Frankie Jonas with Paul Osborne as showrunner. The series features 12 celebrity relatives who get away from their famous family members and stay together under one roof while trying to keep their identities and parentage a secret.
Contestants also compete in various challenges, form alliances with each other, and play DNA detective to avoid elimination from the competition. However, in addition to gaining their own fame on the show, all of the mystery celebrity relatives are also eyeing the grand prize of $100,000.
The unique format and challenges the contestants faces make the reality show very entertaining. In addition to guessing the real identities of the participants, you’ll probably also be wondering about the filming locations of ‘Claim to Fame.’
Where Was Claim to Fame Series Filmed?
“Claim to Fame” is filmed in California, specifically Los Angeles. Principal photography has apparently begun in late March 2022.
Since the reality show is being produced by Los Angeles-based production company Kinetic Content, it seems only fair that the production team decided to film the series in California. Now let’s take a look at the specific locations that appear in the Claim to Fame series!
The production team of “Claim to Fame” is camping in Los Angeles, a big city in Southern California. Since most of the show is ostensibly studio-based, it appears that the cast and crew of the reality TV show used the facilities of one of the major studios present in Los Angeles.
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However, several segments and challenges are also filmed at the El Portal Theater with a live audience judging the performances of related celebrities. Located at 5269 Lankershim Boulevard in North Hollywood, it is popularly known as the Jewel in the North Hollywood Crown and consists of a three-sided marquee facing the boulevard.
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Also known as the City of Angels, LA is home to a number of beautiful beaches, upscale neighborhoods, and a bustling downtown. In addition, the city consists of many notable landmarks and attractions such as the Stahl House, the Hollywood Sign, the Venice Canal Historic District and Boardwalk, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, and the Petersen Automotive Museum.
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Due to its ties to the Hollywood industry, Los Angeles is considered a major center of the television industry and a prominent production location. It served as a production location for various types of filming projects. Some of the popular ones are “Whiplash”, “The Wolf of Wall Street”, “Parks, “Pulp Fiction”, and Recreation” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”.
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