Bravo’s “The Real Housewives of Potomac” Created by Scott Dunlop and Tom Ciaccio, (also known as “RHOP”) is a reality series that follows the personal and professional lives of six women living in Potomac, Maryland. Each of them is at a different stage of life as they try to shape the community and their own selves for the better. The drama that unfolds between the women and their acquaintances throughout the series makes for a fun watch.
The eighth installment of The Real Housewives franchise, The Real Housewives of Potomac features an interesting cast including Ashley Darby, Gizelle Bryant, Karen Huger, Robyn Dixon, Wendy Osefo, Candiace Dillard Bassett, and Mia Thornton. In addition, the appearance of the various places they travel to, for business and personal purposes, makes you guess where “The Real Housewives of Potomac” is actually filmed.
Where Was The Real Housewives of Potomac Series Filmed?
The Real Housewives of Potomac is filmed in Maryland, Virginia, and Louisiana, specifically in Potomac, Bethesda, Washington, Chevy Chase, Catonsville, Alexandria, Baltimore, Richmond, Arlington, and New Orleans.
Since the reality show’s inception, the film crew has traveled to various locations, especially across the Potomac and surrounding areas. So let’s take a look at all the main specific sites that appear in the Bravo series!
Most of the sequences for ‘The Real Housewives of Potomac’ take place in Maryland, a state in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Mix Bar and Grille at 9812 Falls Road in Potomac is where Katie and her friend have lunch in the first episode of the inaugural iteration.
In addition to Potomac, which is the series’ primary filming location, the production team uses locations in several other cities in Maryland, including Saint Michaels.
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Sax Restaurant & Lounge at 734 11th Street Northwest and The Willard Intercontinental Hotel at 1401 Pennsylvania Avenue, both in Washington, D.C., serve as pivotal production locations for the series.
Additionally, the cast and crew also shot several important sequences on location at Equinox Bethesda and surrounding areas at 4905 Elm Street in Bethesda, Kier M. Johnson, LCPC at 10 Winters Lane in Catonsville (temporarily closed), Lia’s at 4435 Willard Avenue in Chevy Chase and Limoncello Baltimore at 900 East Fort Avenue Suite 101 in Baltimore.
Several key scenes for “The Real Housewives of Potomac” are also filmed in Virginia, a state in the southeastern region of the United States.
The crew will camp out at Blackwall Hitch at 5 Cameron Street and Myron Mixon’s Pitmaster Barbeque at 220 North Lee Street, both in Alexandria, to shoot a number of important sequences for the reality show.
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Many other locations throughout Virginia are used for the production of the Bravo series, including Mt Zion Baptist Church at 3500 19th Street South in Arlington, Oz Restaurant and Bar at 2950 Clarendon Boulevard in Arlington, and Candy Valley Cake Company at 710 Lafayette Street in Richmond.
New York
Several installments of ‘The Real Housewives of Potomac’ also run through New York, the most populous city in the United States.
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In May 2022, the Housewives were spotted taping multiple scenes at Radio City Music Hall at 1260 6th Avenue in New York City.
For the filming of the next installments of ‘The Real Housewives of Potomac’, the cast and crew will travel to New Orleans, a consolidated city-parish in the southeast region of Louisiana.
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A few locations that are regulars on the reality show are Café Du Monde at 800 Decatur Street and Cajun Encounters Tour Company at 941 Decatur Street Suite 101, both in New Orleans.
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