‘Let the Right One In‘ is a horror drama series created by Andrew Hinderaker. This interesting thrilling series revolves around Mark and his 12-year-old daughter Eleanor, whose lives are turned upside down by 10 years. The Series starts with a stage wherein she turned into a vampire and lived a closed life, only going out in the dead of night, while Mark does his best to provide her with all the human blood she needs to stay alive.
Her father is really worried about her permanent cure and finally, they decide to return to their homeland. The horror story also explores several deep themes, including father-daughter relationships, compassion, human frailty, and strength, making the psychological thriller even more engaging.
Additionally, the gory and gruesome visuals coupled with the use of some shady locations will make you wonder where “Let the Right One In” is being filmed. Let’s take a view here of all the locations which have been targeted to picturized the series.
Where Was Let the Right One In Series Filmed?
“Let the Right One In” is filmed entirely in New York, specifically New York. The pilot episode of the series was filmed in late May and early June 2021.
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After several months, principal photography on the initial iteration began in early February 2022 and was seemingly completed in June of that year. So without further ado, let’s follow Mark and Eleanor as they search for a cure and learn all about the specific sites featured in the Let the Right One In Showtime series!
New York City
New York, one of the largest cities in the world, is always a whirlwind of activity, with famous places at every turn and never enough time to see them all. The Let the Right One In Series took place most of its part in New York City which is counted as the most populous city in the United States.
The cast and crew members traveled around the city to record various scenes on suitable backdrops for the show. During filming, cast and crew members were spotted recording key sequences on location in Manhattan, New York’s most densely populated and geographically smallest borough.
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Some people come here to enjoy a Broadway show; others come specifically to shop and eat; and many come simply to see the sites: the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, historic districts, and numerous world-renowned museums.
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Many of the best places to visit in New York are within walking distance or just a short drive away, making this city a sightseeing delight. At any time of the year and at any time of day or night, there is an endless amount of things to see and do in New York.
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