‘Two Summers’ is a thrilling Belgian drama series surrounding a group of friends, who decide to reunite after the death of one member in an accident. What should have been a holiday on a private island turns into a nightmare when a bad video from a memorable party from thirty years ago emerges. After that, they found it difficult to trust each other as everyone seemed to be suspected of being one of the perpetrators of the evils seen in the pictures.
Created by Paul Baeten Gronda and Tom Lenaerts, the drama series includes plays from a talented cast of actors, including An Miller, Tom Vermeir, Marieke Anthoni, Lukas Bulteel, Herwig Ilegems, and Bjarne Devolder.
The narrative takes place in two distinct periods, spanning three decades – in the summer of 1992 and 2022. Behind the private island and the comfortable background of the friends’ residences, often keeps viewers stunned and amazed. about real places at the same time.
Where Was Two Summers Series Filmed?
‘Two Summers’ seems to have been recorded in France, especially in the Le Lavandou area. As the narrative is set on a French island, it offers a series of additional authenticity. In addition, the series was apparently produced with the support of the Belgian Tax Shelter and the French Tax Rebate for International Productions, indicating that the recording was possible in France itself.
As for the main photography of the first season of the drama series, it seems to have happened in early 2021. Now, let’s explore some of the places where the drama takes place among friends!
Le Lavandou
” Two Summers .”Most of the filming of the first season of the film ‘Two Summers’ is said to have taken place in Le Lavandou, a village located in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur in southeastern France. Exterior photographs of the series may be filmed in different parts of the district while indoor scenes, including a recreational area, are lensed at one of the venues. In addition, it is very likely that a production team will also camp on one of the nearby islands to record a few episodes of the series.
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Located in the southeastern part of the French contingent, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur AKA Région Sud is one of the country’s eighteen administrative districts. The region contains a wide and varied landscape, from the Alps to coastal areas and plains, making it an ideal place to record a number of movies and TV shows, including ‘Two genres.’
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The region is one of the most visited in France and is home to some of the most famous museums, such as the Musée Grobet-Labadié, the Musée de la Faïence de Marseille, the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations, and the Muséum Histoire Naturelle de Marseille.
Moreover, over the years, it has emerged in separate recording projects; some notable ones are ‘Happy New Year,’ ‘Paris Can Wait,’ ‘Beyond the Clouds,’ and ‘Hunting.’ “Two Summers .”
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