‘Borgen: Power and Glory’ is a political drama series created by Adam Price that serves as the fourth season and, next, the continuation of the most famous Danish series ‘Borgen.’ It follows in the footsteps of Birgitte Nyborg (Sidse Babett Knudsen), the former Danish Prime Minister now serving as Foreign Minister.
Birgitte faces a number of challenges in the ever-changing political landscape of Denmark and the rest of the world. Given the size and brilliant background of ‘Borgen: Power and Glory’ viewers should be curious about its recording locations. If so, here’s what we all know about ‘Borgen: Power and Glory recording studios.
Where Was Borgen – Power And Glory Series Filmed?
‘Borgen: Power and Glory’ are set in Denmark, especially the capital of Copenhagen. Considering that the capital is the political center of the country, it is not surprising that the builders chose to record the series in Copenhagen.
However, a few episodes of the series are also shot in Greenland, which is controlled by Denmark. The filming of the film ‘Borgen: Power and Glory’ reportedly began on January 11, 2021, and almost ended in November 2021.
The first season of ‘Borgen: Power and Glory,’ as the original series, was heavily recorded in Copenhagen and surrounding areas. Christianborg Palace, Prins Jørgens Gård 1, 1218 Copenhagen, covers in detail in the series. The palace stands as a government building serving as the seat of the Danish Parliament (Folketinget), the Office of the Prime Minister of Denmark, and the Supreme Court of Denmark.
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Given the local political parallels, it is understandable that a large part of the series is shot near Christianborg Palace. Many indoor scenes may be recorded in a studio in Copenhagen.
Greenland, the largest island in the world, is the epicenter of the ‘Borgen: Power and Glory’ controversy. It is the capital of Greenland and the seat of the state government.
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Nuuk is also the most populous city in Greenland. Nuuk is the largest economic, political, and educational center in the nation. It is known for its coffee, waterfalls, and glaciers.
Ilulissat (formerly known as Jakobshavn or Jacobshaven) is a town in the municipality of Avannaata and the third-largest city in Greenland. The cast and crew of the series filmed a sequel to Ilulissat. The village is a popular tourist destination.
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Local attractions include Knud Rasmussen’s Museum (also known as Ilulissat Museum) and Zion’s Church. The nearby Ilulissat Icefjord, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, also attracts a few tourists from all over the world.
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