Mean Girls is a 2004 teen comedy that follows the tumultuous times a young girl faces at her new high school. Returning to the United States after spending twelve years...
‘The One That Got Away is a reality TV series that brings together a group of single people looking for soul mates. However, they get another chance to rekindle old...
‘The Boy.’ While using the toy as a base, the film creates an interesting taste of skepticism and shock. Greta Evans from the US travels extensively to the other side...
‘The Boys’ is a series of heroic dramas that follow a prominent group of monitors whose goal is to bring down the corrupt group of heroes, the Seven. Hosted by...
‘Emergency’ is a mockery that contributes to racial profiling. The storyline builds on the 2018 short film Williams and KD Dávila with the same name. The film revolves around three...
‘Night Sky’ is a sci-fi series about an older couple, Franklin and Irene York, whose secrets they have never shared with anyone. In their shed is a mysterious site that...
Annabelle: Creation follows the origins of the doll-themed story, exploring the horrific past of‘ Consolidation ’the universe. The horror film of 2017 is a precursor to 'Anabelle' 2014 and creates...
"With Love" is a sharp symphony of conflicting emotions. The five episodes follow the year-round ups and downs of the Diaz family, as seen in the snippets of the holidays....
'The Voyeurs' is a thrilling and exciting film about the lives of two neighboring couples. Sydney Sweeney plays Pippa as she fights with Justice Smith in the role of Thomas,...