Netflix’s ‘The Glory’ Created by Kim Eun-sook, is a Korean revenge series that follows a young high school student, Moon Dong Eun, who is forced to drop out of school due to brutal abuse by her peers. Over time, she discovers that the main bully who ruined her life is now married and has a child who goes to the same school.
Moon eventually gets a position as a homeroom teacher at an elementary school. She begins to plan revenge on the perpetrators through their child due to repeated reminders of what happened in her past. Can Moon get revenge on her abuser, or is she setting herself up for failure?
Thrilling sequences coupled with gripping storytelling make for engaging viewing and keep the audience in suspense from start to finish. The Netflix show features impressive on-screen performances from a talented cast including Song Hye-Ko, Lee Do-Hyun, Ji-Yeon Lim, and more. Moreover, all the exciting locations featured in the show will make one think about the actual shooting locations of ‘The Glory’.
Where Was The Glory Series Filmed?
“The Glory” is shot exclusively in South Korea, mainly in and around Seoul. According to reports, filming for the initial iteration of the series began in January 2022. Officially known as the Republic of Korea, South Korea is an East Asian country that forms the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.
Thanks to the rise of Korean pop culture, the country’s tourism sector has been positively affected, with many tourists traveling to the country every year.
South Korea
“The Glory” is set in and around Seoul, the charming capital of South Korea. The cast and crew seemingly set up base in a spacious studio in the city, where they created detailed and elaborate sets to facilitate filming. The team was diligent in all aspects of the production and took the time to perfect the shots. The show captivates the audience primarily with the atmosphere of the contemporary city of Seoul.
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The huge metropolis is characterized by architectural, cultural, and gastronomic innovations – billboards representing K-Pop artists, Buddhist temples, and dirty markets appear side by side on the city skyline.
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Seoul is the largest city and the heart of the Seoul Metropolitan Area; it is home to many modern landmarks such as Building 63, Dongdaemun Design Plaza, IFC Seoul, and N Seoul Tower. Over the years, the capital has hosted the production of many movies and TV shows, including Train to Busan, Oldboy, and We’re All Dead.
Related – Lady Voyeur (2023): Where Was Netflix’s Series Filmed?