Netflix’s ‘Far From Home’ Created by Chinaza Onuzo and Dami Elbe, is a Nigerian teen TV series that follows an ambitious teenager named Ishaya who is an extremely talented artist but belongs to a financially unstable family. However, his life is turned upside down when he receives a prestigious scholarship offer from the exclusive Wilmer Academy, where only Nigeria’s elite students study.
This window of opportunity is accompanied by a secret that not only threatens Ishaya’s newfound status as a student at Wilmer Academy but also the safety of his family.
The dramatic story is complemented by stellar performances from a cast of talented actors and actresses including Funke Akindele-Bello, Richard Mofe-Damijo, Mike Afolari, and Gbubemi Ejeye. Furthermore, the setting of the fictional Wilmer Academy raises the question of where the actual filming of the drama series takes place.
Where Was Far from Home Series Filmed?
‘Far From Home’ is shot exclusively in Nigeria, particularly in Lagos. Principal photography for the show’s initial iteration is said to have begun in late 2021 and is said to wrap up in over three months, in early 2022.
As Season 1 was filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the set has implemented very strict safety protocols, including regular testing for all cast and crew members.
In an interview with BellaNaija in December 2022, co-creator Chinaza Onuzo was asked about his favorite moment during the production of ‘Far From Home’. He replied: “Filming the party scenes in Episode 2. A YA show has to get its party scenes right and there’s a lot of pressure.
These scenes were one of the first big sets we shot for the show. Almost all of the YA cast was on set that day and we had over a hundred extras. The party was mostly during the day, so we were on the clock and under pressure to make it through the day…”
All key sequences for ‘Far From Home’ were set in and around Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city and the second most populous city in all of Africa. From the looks of it, the production team is seemingly using various locations around the city, including the Victoria Island area, to film various sequences against suitable backdrops.
Additionally, they either set up camp on the campus of the actual institution or in one of the film studios in Lagos to film the Wilmer Academy scenes.
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With its vast and diverse landscape, Lagos has hosted the production of several movies and TV shows over the years. Apart from ‘Far From Home’, the locations of the city have been featured in ‘God Calling’, ‘Man of God’, ‘The Last Tree’, ‘Castle & Castle’ ‘This Lady Called Life’, and ‘Silence’.
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