“Don’t Worry Darling” Directed by Olivia Wilde, is a psychological thriller movie that revolves around a young and happy couple from the 1950s – Alice and Jack Chambers. The former is a housewife living with her husband in a utopian experimental community created by the same company he works for.
As time passes, Alice becomes curious about Jack’s work on the secret Victory Project, which drives her to the edge. Their seemingly perfect lives soon begin to show signs of fragility as her determination to explore the project gives way to high levels of tension in the community.
Starring Harry Styles, Florence Pugh, Olivia Wilde, Chris Pine, and Nick Kroll, the film’s dramatic and intense story is supported by strong performances from a talented cast. In addition, the background of the utopian community against the backdrop of the 1950s makes one wonder where the movie Don’t Worry Darling was filmed.
Where Was Don’t Worry Darling Movie Filmed?
Don’t Worry Darling was shot entirely in California, mainly in Greater Los Angeles. Principal photography for director Olivia Wilde reportedly began in October 2020 but was halted for several weeks in early November 2020 when a crew member tested positive for COVID-19.
After a short delay, production resumed and was finally completed in February 2021. Now we’re taking you to all the specific locations featured in the thriller movie!
All of the pivotal sequences for “Don’t Worry Darling” were projected across Greater Los Angeles, the second largest metropolitan region in the U.S. that includes Ventura, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, and Los Angeles counties.
The opening scene of the movie with Frank’s house was filmed at The Kaufmann Desert House at 470 West Vista Chino in Palm Springs. Interestingly, this is the first film shot in this elegant property.
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Most of the house exteriors for Chris Pine’s main character were shot on location at Azul Circus in Canyon View Estates at 2400 South Sierra Madre in Palm Springs.
Other locations in the city that the crew used to shoot the film are the Palm Springs City Hall at 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way and the gas station that stood in the Palm Springs Visitor Center.
The team not only stayed at the La Quinta Resort & Club, located at 49-499 Eisenhower Drive in La Quinta but even shot several key sequences for the film there.
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Additionally, during filming, the cast and crew of Don’t Worry Darling were spotted in and around The Volcano House at 50451 Silver Valley Road in Newberry Springs, where they filmed some major sequences.
Additionally, Troy Dry Lake and Barstow are two other locations near Newberry Springs that served as prominent filming locations. Finally, the production team reportedly set up camp in Los Angeles for filming purposes.
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