“The Rookie: Feds” is a police procedural crime Tv series created by Alexi Hawley and Terence Paul Winter that revolves around FBI Special Agent Simone Clarke, who becomes the oldest rookie at the FBI Academy. In the spin-off, viewers get an in-depth look into her life as we learn more about her, including her personal and romantic affairs.
Starring Niecy Nash, Frankie Faison, Felix Solis, Britt Robertson, and Kevin Zegers, the crime series will appeal to fans of the parenting show and genre with its gripping narrative. In addition, the transition in places where Simone is trying to catch criminals around town reflects her changing position in the academy as she gains a positive reputation among her peers. So it’s natural to wonder where The Rookie: Feds was shot.
Where Was The Rookie: Feds Series Filmed?
The Rookie: Feds is filmed in California, mainly Los Angeles County. Principal photography for the initial iteration of the spin-off series began in June 2022 and reportedly took place concurrently with the filming of the fifth season of its parent show.
Located in the western United States, California is the most populous and third largest state by area. Due to its vast and versatile geography, the Golden State is an ideal filming location for various productions, including “The Rookie: Feds.” Now we’re going to walk you through all the specific locations that appear in the police procedural show!
Most of “The Rookie: Feds” takes place in Los Angeles County, the most populous county in California and the United States. The filming unit is said to be using the Paramount Studios facility at 5555 Melrose Avenue in the Hollywood district of Los Angeles.
The 65-acre film studio property includes 30 stages with more than 360,000 square feet of stage space. In addition, it is home to several outdoor venues including the New York Street Backlot, Blue Sky Tank, The Alley, scenic parks, and modern theaters to name a few.
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During the filming of the first season, the cast and crew were spotted filming several key sequences in Malibu, a beach town in the Santa Monica Mountains. Additionally, Santa Clarita, a city in northwest Los Angeles County, serves as a prominent production location for “The Rookie: Feds.”
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However, at a Comic-Con panel in July 2022, Terence Paul Winter, one of the show’s co-creators, revealed that the spin-off will be more geographically expansive. “Los Angeles is not the only place where we do our work,” he added. “We have a jet plane and we’ll be flying a lot, and that opens the show in a really exciting way.”
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Several filmmakers visit Los Angeles County throughout the year for filming purposes. In addition to ‘The Rookie: Feds, the district has hosted the production of various films and television shows; some notable ones are “No”, “Purple Hearts”, “The Terminal List” “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, and “The Invention of Anna”.
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