“Skymed” by Julia Puckrin is a medical drama that follows a series of pilots and nurses who operate an air ambulance service in remote parts of northern Canada. While the characters’ drudgery dominates much of the show’s running time, attention is also paid to their personal lives. Ultimately, ‘Skymed’ observes its central group of people as they balance their work and personal lives in a job that requires them to be constantly on their toes.
Operating a regular ambulance is fraught with danger, so adding the element of flying into the mix makes the job even scarier. The series sees the group called for help in all sorts of remote areas. One might begin to wonder where the Skymed series was filmed.
Where Was SkyMed Series Filmed?
Manitoba is where the series is set and where most of the filming took place. More specifically, the show takes place in the northern region of the province, its vast natural scenery allows for some remarkable shots. Deep forests help create beautiful images.
At the same time, however, they highlight the vastness of their surroundings and the loneliness of the place the characters inhabit.
The capital of the province of Manitoba served as the main filming location. Filming in Winnipeg most likely began in either August or September 2021. In August, a casting call was released calling for a number of extras from Manitoba’s large aboriginal population. Filming for the first season wrapped here in January 2022.
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Winnipeg is an urbanized and modern city, but still retains much of its natural wonder. The show’s creators make use of the deeply forested areas and lakes that fill the landscape of the city and its surroundings. The show features scenes in the snow, and Winnipeg sees a lot of it, making it a suitable city for snow scenes.
Steinbach is another large town in Manitoba that was shot for ‘Skymed’. The show was partially filmed at Harv’s Air, a flight school located in the city, in November. The total number of days the show was filmed here is estimated to be ten. Of course, flying plays a big role in the series, and airplanes play a big role.
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So the show closed on Harv’s Air to help out. Some flight school staff also have cameos in the show. In addition to the two cities, additional filming was done in other areas of Manitoba. The scenes were sometimes shot in freezing conditions and the production had to deal with it.
Since the show is set in Manitoba, it’s no surprise that most of “Skymed” are filmed in the province. However, the production was also filmed in Toronto, the capital of Ontario.
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Filming was already underway in Toronto and Manitoba when the series was announced in September 2021.
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