“Dangerous Liaisons” is a French romantic teen film directed by Rachel Suissou. The story revolves around Célène, a bookish teenager who is much more interested in reading than spending time on social media. After leaving her fiance, she joins a prestigious school where she runs into Instagram queen Vanessa and famous surfer Tristan, both of whom are dangerous in their own way.
Célène soon falls in love with Tristan, but little does she know that she is being used as a mere object in a cruel bet between him and Vanessa. The French film explores some of the darker sides of teenage life through Célène’s eyes, which keeps the audience engaged in the film.
The quality of the narrative is further enhanced by stellar performances from a talented cast including Paola Locatelli, Simon Rérolle, Ella Pellegrini, and Alexis Michalik. The scenic locations used throughout the film make you want to know more about it. Now, know about Dangerous Liaisons movie filming locations.
Where Was Dangerous Liaisons Movie Filmed?
“Dangerous Liaisons” was filmed exclusively in France, specifically in and around Biarritz. Principal photography on the teen film began in March 2021 and seemingly wrapped up in May of that year.
Since most of the narrative takes place in Biarritz itself, it should come as no surprise that the production team decided to shoot most of the film in the same town.
Most of the pivotal sequences of “Dangerous Liaisons” took place in and around Biarritz, a city in the French Basque Country in southwestern France. The production team appears to have set up camp in the Côte des Basques district of Biarritz. As it is known for its Atlantic beaches and is a classic surfing spot, the surfing scenes for the film were seemingly shot on location.
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Another neighborhood in Biarritz that served as a filming location is La Grande Plage, which is also popular for its Atlantic Ocean beaches as well as sunset walks to the Phare de Biarritz lighthouse. In addition, the cast and crew of “Dangerous Liaisons” reportedly traveled just north of Biarritz to Plages de Vieux Boucau, a seaside resort.
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Located on the Bay of Biscay, Biarritz is a luxury seaside tourist destination known for its seaside casinos and surfing culture, making it an ideal location for a French film. In addition to tourists, filmmakers also visit the city.