‘The Garcias’ is a sitcom developed by two Jeff Valdez and Sol Trujilo. The program portrays the lives of Garcia’s children as adults who already have their own children. One of the Garcas wins the lottery, which makes it possible for the family to spend a few months in the summer on a luxury beach in Mexico.
In addition to the humorous narrative, the layout of the beach house with spectacular views of the sea often keeps the audience entertained at all times. So, it is only natural that viewers want to learn more about places from the sitcom. Now, know about The Garcias tv series.
Where Was The Garcias Series Filmed?
‘The Garcias’ was recorded in Quintana Roo, Mexico, where the program is being organized. The fact that the sitcom was shot in the area makes the story feel very real. Officially known as the United Mexican States, the tribe is located in the southern part of North America. It has beautiful beaches in the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of California, and the Gulf of Mexico.
As Mexico offers a variety of backgrounds in various cities and localities, it has served as a leading destination for recording the mass production of movies and TV programs. A few that come to mind are ‘Dark Desire,’ ‘Man on Fire,’ and ‘Total Recall.’ The main photography of the first season of ‘The Garcias’ started in June 2021 and ended in August 2021.
‘The Garcias’ is lensed at the Puerto Aventuras community at the Solidaridad Municipality, Quintana Roo. Surrounded by lush tropical forests, the rich tourist destination is the only marine community on the coast of the Riviera Maya.
In addition, actors and crew traveled to Cenote Jardín Del Eden to record a few outstanding episodes of Season 1. Located at 77734 Quintana Roo, a tourist attraction has a beautiful harbor surrounded by greenery. It also has several underwater caves.
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In an interview with Forbes in December 2021, one of the creators, Jeff Valdez, explained why they chose to record the series in Mexico. “Part of the reason we shot in Mexico was that we had a tight budget and we had to get our money to move forward,” he said. We took a picture inside the Puerto Aventuras community that really helped according to Covid-19 because we were kind of a bubble inside the bubble. ”
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Home to several beach hotels and resorts, Quintana Roo tourism began to flourish back in the 1970s. As its popularity grew, it became the most sought-after producer for a variety of recording projects. Over the years, the changing Mexican version of Quintana Roo has appeared in a number of movies and TV shows, including ‘Grindhouse,’ ‘Planet Terror,’ ‘Gring, and ‘Teresa.’
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