HBO Max’s “The Big Brunch” Created by Dan Levy, is a cooking competition tv series that brings together undiscovered but talented chefs from around the country to compete against each other. Contestants must showcase their culinary skills and put their knowledge of the culinary arts to good use and give it their all to win an attractive $300,000 cash prize. At the same time, they get the opportunity to share their stories and entrepreneurial dreams.
Although the show follows the conventional format of most shows in this genre, what makes it different and even more fun is that Dan Levy not only sits at the judges’ table alongside Will Guidara and Sohla El-Waylla but also hosts the tv show.
While the delicious dishes prepared by the contestants make “The Big Brunch” a breathtaking watch, the indoor location where it is filmed makes it difficult for viewers to guess the actual filming location.
Where Was The Big Brunch Series Filmed?
“The Big Brunch” was filmed completely in California, particularly in Los Angeles. The Main photography for the opening iteration of the cooking competition series apparently took place in the spring of 2022.
California is located in the western United States and is the most populous state in the United States. Given its prominence in the entertainment industry, it’s only fitting that it hosts productions of all kinds of projects, including ‘The Big Brunch’.
All key sequences for “The Big Brunch” take place in Los Angeles, the largest city in California and the second most populous city in the US. Specifically, the cast and crew camped out in Hollywood, a neighborhood in the central Los Angeles area.
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They use the soundstage of one of the many large film studios in the iconic district. Some of the major film and tv production companies that have their studios in and around Hollywood are Walt Disney Studios, Universal Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Warner Bros., and Paramount Pictures.
In addition to studios, the Hollywood District is rich in several attractions and points of interest, including Hollywood Palladium, CBS Columbia Square, Hollywood Masonic Temple, Dolby Theater, Hollywood Wax Museum, and Madame Tussauds Hollywood.
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Over the years, the iconic location and surrounding areas have produced some iconic films such as ‘The Italian Job, ‘The Day After Tomorrow’ ‘Friends with Benefits, and ‘The Kissing Booth’.
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