The Girl Before is an exciting mystery tv series that revolves around a PR manager named Jane who gets a chance to live in a beautiful little London home designed by the brilliant genius Edward Monkford. Being a housewife, Jane agrees to some of the bizarre and strict rules that Edward sets for anyone wishing to live there. But soon, Jane discovers a scary truth behind a mysterious house and realizes that she may have fallen into the trap.
This series is a screen adaptation of JP Delaney’s novel 2016 with the same name. As expected, the beautiful home in the series has attracted a lot of attention from fans with its chic design. Given that the house is one of the central characters, you may want to know more about it.
Where Was The Girl Before Series Filmed?
‘The Girl Before’ was filmed in England, mainly in Bristol and London. A thrilling four-part drama is reportedly shot in the spring of 2021. Although the filming took place during the Covid-19 epidemic, the production seems to have been unaffected.
At the show, Jane’s apartment is on One Folgate Road in Hampstead, London. Although One Folgate Road is actually in Shoreditch, East London, it is not where the series was filmed. Unfortunately, the house on display is not really there. “The Girl Before.”
The house on One Folgate Road in the series is made up of two separate areas. The exterior is shot in an outdoor set built in the Bristol Rice area of Redland. It is located in the Woodland Terrace area near Hampton Road. The facade of the house is designed to look like straight planks.
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On the other hand, the interior of the house is actually shot with sets deliberately made in The Bottle Yard Studios. Exclusive location for movie studio on Whitchurch Lane, Bristol BS14 0BH. Considered one of the largest dedicated recording centers in Western England, some of its most prestigious awards are ‘The pale horse,’ ‘Poldark,’ and ‘The Christine Keeler Experiment.’
In addition to the aforementioned locations, parts of the series have also been shot at various locations in Bristol. Georgia Park called Queen Square and Corn Exchange offices above St. Mary’s Market. Nicholas’ also appeared in a few squares.
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Sources have revealed that a number of successors re-installed lenses at the University of Bristol, particularly at Badock Hall. Student accommodation is located on Stoke Park Road in the area below Stoke Bishop.
With the series set up in London, the first few shots include the city’s visual packages. Some of you can see Primrose Hill – a Grade II public park – and the surrounding area. These photos were used to show Central London in the series, where Jane is said to live. “The Girl Before.”