“On the Line” Written and directed by Romuald Boulanger, is a thriller drama film that revolves around a radio jockey named Elvis Clooney who works at radio station KLAT in the midnight slot. One night during his shift, he gets a call from a mysterious caller who claims to be at his house and has taken his family hostage. To make matters worse, he threatens to kill them too. Fearing for his family’s safety, Elvis tries to listen to everything the caller asks of him.
Meanwhile, Elvis and his staff at the radio station try to find out the identity of the mysterious caller and do something about the situation. The building suspense surrounding the identity of the caller and gory visuals throughout the film keeps the audience on the edge of their seats right from the start. The radio station setting also raises the question of where “On the Line” was actually filmed.
Where Was On the Line Movie Filmed?
On the Line was filmed in France, particularly in the Paris metropolitan area. Principal photography on the Mel Gibson starrer reportedly began in early June 2021 and wrapped up after about a month in July of that year.
Although the story takes place in California, the film crew decided to make the most of the versatile terrains of France to represent the American state. Now, without further ado, watch Elvis get involved in a game of cat and mouse with a mysterious caller, and get a detailed description of all the specific sites that appear in the film!
Almost all of “On the Line” was set in the Paris metropolitan area, a statistical area that includes Paris and the surrounding suburbs. From the looks of it, the film crew traveled to various locations in the metropolitan area to record various scenes against suitable backdrops. This includes La Défense, the main business district in all of France, which was said to represent Los Angeles because of all the modern architecture present in the district.
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As for the fictional radio station KLAT, the production team of ‘On the Line’ built the entire scene on the soundstage of one of the film studios in the Paris metropolitan area. Paris, the capital and most populous city of France, is known as one of the main centers of fashion, finance, trade, diplomacy, science, and gastronomy in the world. Located in north-central France, Paris’ economy is driven by many sectors, including services, trade, and tourism.
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The city of love is visited by millions of tourists every year due to the presence of all the iconic and popular landmarks and monuments. Some of them are Sacré-Cœur Basilica, Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Center Pompidou, Musée d’Orsay and Tuileries Garden. In addition, Paris has served as a production location for various filming projects over the years, such as “Taken”, “The Ninth Gate”, “Tomorrow Never Dies” and “Now You See Me”.
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