Netflix’s “Buying Beverly Hills” is a reality TV series that revolves around the daily work of agents and the clients they deal with at Mauricio Umansky’s The Agency. Mauricio is accompanied by his daughter Alexia, stepdaughter Farrah, and a group of talented and capable agents who work with him in his real estate office.
In addition to business, the reality show also gives us a glimpse into the agents’ personal lives as they face all kinds of drama outside of work, including romantic and emotional ones. While Mauricio and his team’s professional and personal lives entertain us during each episode, the backdrop of the sprawling city and the luxury properties that the agents sell to their clients makes us wonder where “Buying Beverly Hills” is filmed.
Where Was Buying Beverly Hills Series Filmed?
“Buying Beverly Hills” was filmed completely in California, particularly in Los Angeles County, where the reality show takes place. Specific photography for the first iteration of the reality series will take place in the summer of 2022.
California’s vast and diverse landscape is home to several lavish properties, making it a prime location for real estate agents and a convenient filming site for shows like “Buying Beverly Hills.”
All key sequences for “Buying Beverly Hills” takes place in Los Angeles County, the most populous county in California and the United States. To be specific, the city of Beverly Hills serves as the primary production location for the series, as the film crew travels around the city while real estate agents attempt to sell properties.
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Several key scenes are ostensibly filmed in and around the Agency’s office at 331 Foothill Road Suite 100 in Beverly Hills. The city is home to popular celebrities, mansions, lavish hotels, and the famous Rodeo Drive shopping district.
Agents at “Buying Beverly Hills” sell real estate in and around the city for tens and hundreds of millions. The city also consists of many attractive landmarks including Beverly Hills 9/11 Memorial Garden, Beverly Gardens Park, Beverly Hills City Hall, Beverly Hills Public Library, Greystone Mansion to name a few, and Misty Mountain,
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Over the years, Los Angeles County has hosted the production of various types of movies and television shows. In addition to ‘Buying Beverly Hills, the district’s locations have appeared in ‘No,’ ‘Beverly Hills Cop,” The Terminal List,’ ‘Save Mr. Banks,’ and ‘Sons of Anarchy.’
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