“In Merry Measure” Directed by Paula Elle, is a new-age romantic comedy, drama movie set during the joyous holiday season. the movie follows pop singer Darcy as she goes home for the holidays to spend time with her sister and niece. When she arrives in her hometown, she learns that her niece Megan has been rejected to join The Herald Angels, the high school carolers who played Darcy. But when she learns that her old nemesis, Adam, is now in charge of the honor squad, she recruits her niece to start her own team.
With the annual district competition around the corner, the two decide to compete first and let the winning team attend the real event. But as time goes on, Darcy and Adam realize they have a better chance of winning if they team up. The film explores forgiveness and moving on from past problems. As the film takes place during the festive season, the celebration and decorations add a unique charm to the overall visuals. Now, Know about In Merry Measure movie filming locations.
Where Was In Merry Measure Movie Filmed?
In Merry Measure movie was filmed mostly in Vancouver and Langley in the westernmost Canadian province of British Columbia.
From what we can tell, filming began in the summer of July 2022 and will likely wrap up in a few weeks.
British Columbia
Although the film is set in Darcy’s hometown of Ohio, “In Merry Measure” was shot mostly in the port city of Vancouver in southwestern British Columbia. Dubbed the Hollywood North, Vancouver is one of the most important manufacturing hubs mainly because of its vibrant and scenic beauty, hospitality, favorable climate, skilled technicians, and other manufacturing facilities it offers.
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It reportedly serves as the backdrop for more than 50 Hallmark productions each year. Over the years, several movies such as ‘Christmas Joy’ ‘Hope for Christmas’, and ‘Road to Christmas’ have been shot in this beautiful city.
It is likely that part of “In Merry Measure” was filmed in the town of Langley, which is known for being a film-friendly municipality in Metro Vancouver. The city’s regional center is currently one of the busiest commercial and industrial land bases in the Lower Mainland.
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Langley is well known for its distinctive shops and restaurants, and the neighborhood has developed into a mecca for big box stores and luxury goods.
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Other movies and series filmed at Langley include ‘The X-Files, ‘Supernatural’, ‘Riverdale’ ‘The Vampire Diaries, and ‘Devil in Ohio’. Some behind-the-scenes footage shared by Cassidy Reichman, who stars as Megan, shows just how much fun the cast and crew had while filming “Hilarious.”
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