‘The Old Man’ is a thrilling series developed by two Jonathan E. Steinberg and Robert Levine. The story revolves around a former CIA officer named Dan Chase, who has been living a peaceful life off the grid for a while now. His silence is disturbed when the assassin tries to free Chase, causing him to return to the old ways and flee. In this case, he rents a room to Zoe McDonald and co-operates with her while searching for the truth.
While Chase is in hiding, Harold Harper of the FBI is being asked to track him down because of his difficult past with a fugitive. With Chase out of sight, a highly trained special contractor has also been hired to hunt him down. An interesting narrative involves a full sequence of actions while Chase is chased throughout the series.
When his peace and tranquility are disturbed, there is a dramatic change in the following scenes, which signifies a change in his life. Therefore, it is only natural for viewers to wonder about the recording sites featured in “The Old Man” series.
Where Was The Old Man Series Filmed?
‘The Old Man‘ was recorded in England and the United States of America, especially in the Norfolk region and California. The main photography of the first season of the action series began in November 2019 and was stopped in March 2020 due to the Covid-19 epidemic.
With three episodes remaining to be recorded, the filming went back to the autumn of 2020 but was stopped again when Jeff Bridges (Dan Chase) was diagnosed with lymphoma in October 2020.
After shooting a series that did not include Bridges. ‘character, production resumed in February 2022 after Bridges’ recovery and finally wrapped up in mid-March of the same year. Now, let’s chase Dan Chase to every single spot where he plays in “The Old Man” series!
To record much of the first season of ‘The Old Man,’ a production team set up camp in Norwich, a town and district in the vicinity of Norfolk. Located along the Wensum River, it is a popular vacation spot as there are many attractions throughout the city. Other popular attractions include Norwich Cathedral, Norwich Castle, Dragon Hall, The Forum, and Cow Tower.
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In addition, because of the city’s beautiful appearance, filmmakers are frequently visited. Over the years, Norwich has appeared in a variety of movies and TV shows, such as Leo Grande, Good Luck to You, ” Stardust, ” The Chief, ‘ ” Fighting With My Family, and’ Unexpected Legends. . ‘
In early 2020, the cast and crew of ‘The Old Man’ were spotted filming an important season 1 sequel in Los Angeles, the largest city in the state of California. In particular, the production team set up camp inside and near the Pershing Square public park in Downtown Los Angeles, possibly for a few important outdoor photographs.
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Also known as the City of Angels, the largest city in Southern California has a reputation for being the center of the recording industry. Therefore, it has served as a major producer for many years with many movies and TV shows shot in the city, including ‘Bullet Train,’ ‘Jurassic Park,’ ‘Unbearable Weight of Talent,’ and ‘Mandalorian. ‘