‘21 Bridges’ is a thriller movie surrounding an NYPD detective named Andre David in a city-wide investigation into a number of police assassinations. As he encounters a major plot in the process, he closes all 21 bridges and closes all over Manhattan to stop all intrusion and exit the island in an attempt to apprehend the suspects.
A full sequence of actions is complemented by an all-encompassing and well-crafted background, making the scenes look realistic, giving a powerful and impressive watch. Now, know about 21 Bridges filming locations.
Where Was 21 Bridges Movie Filmed?
’21 Bridges ‘, originally titled ’17 Bridges,’ was recorded in several states throughout Pennsylvania and New York. Over the past few decades, we have seen many New York-based films use a few states and cities outside of New York in the production process, such as ‘Escape from New York’ and ‘American Psycho,’ and so does Chadwick Boseman. -starred too.
The main filming of the thriller film began on September 24, 2018, and ended on November 24, 2018.
For the purpose of recording, the ’21 Bridges’ co-ordinator team was seen touring the streets and districts of Philadelphia (or Philly), the largest and most populous city in the state of Pennsylvania. University City – home to several prestigious universities – located in Philadelphia County, has doubled as a major venue for the movie.
Heading east from there, the team found a few photographs of the Tinto wine cellar, located at 114 South 20th Street in the city. An incident in which Ray and Michael confronted Mosto’s boss Tom as they tried to rob the area was shot in the wine bar. Going east, Brazil’s Nightclub, located at 112 Chestnut Street, also served as the backyard for a few entertaining movie scenes.
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When Andre came up with a bold plan to close all bridges, tunnels, and any other route from Manhattan while chasing the police assassins, the 20-lane road in Philadelphia served as a backyard. A center of Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Thai cultural and Thai cuisine, Chinatown is a Philadelphia-based venue used as a ’21 Bridges photography space. ‘
Located at 140 Richmond Street in the city, Kissin Fresh Meats Inc was used by a team of producers to shoot a few more scenes. Chadwick Boseman, along with other actors and staff, took a trip north and stopped near Fern Rock Transportation Center Station at 900 Nedro Avenue to record more film sequences. Andre’s father’s funeral scene has been filmed at St. Mary’s Church. Augustine’s Roman Catholic Church is located at 243 North Lawrence Street in Philadelphia.
In addition to Philadelphia, the ’21 Bridges’ production team was also seen recording important scenes at Sun Center Studios, 250 North Commerce Drive, Chester township in Delaware County. Opened in 2011, the production facility is the first studio designed for the provincial purpose and hosts the filming of the films ‘After Earth,’ ‘Creed,’ ‘Untouchable,’ ‘Paranoia,’ and ‘No The Benefactor.’
New York
It is only fitting that the film ’21 Bridges’ uses one of the most beautiful bridges and the famous building in New York – Brooklyn Bridge. The bridge that connects Manhattan with Brooklyn is used as the backyard of a few squares where the workers are recording in Manhattan, the smallest of five New York City, about the location.
Additionally, another nightclub scene in the movie was shot in the Nightclub located at 18 Little West 12th Street between Greenwich and Washington Streets. More photos of the exciting movie were taken on Washington Street, between Little West 12th Street and Gansevoort Street.
A few scenes involving the incident in which Andre asked Frankie for his phone to better understand recent events, were recorded at the Grand Central Terminal. It is a passenger train station located at 89 East 42nd Street and Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan. In addition to the scenes recorded inside, a few shots were filmed at the entrance to this terminal station, using the background of 42nd Street and Vanderbilt Avenue. The incident in which Andre is seen leaving the station in a hurry to get to the end of the situation is shot here.
Giving a spectacular view of the Manhattan skyline, the city of Brooklyn also serves as a milestone in the history of various lands. Specifically, the Brooklyn Navy Yard, located at 63 Flushing Avenue in the valley, was used to shoot a few scenes, including an incident in which Andre remembers his childhood while looking up over the city.
In addition, the Ditmas Park district in the Flatbush area also served as an important shooting range for other scenes. To be precise, the Brooklyn house, located at 277 Stratford Road and Slocum Place in the region, serves as the home of Captain McKenna (J. K. Simmons) in the movie. For about eleven days, the team shot at a seven-room Victorian, private house.
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