Hallmark’s “Jolly Good Christmas” directed by Jonathan Wright is a romantic comedy that revolves around David an American architect who moves across the pond to join a prestigious London firm. As the clock ticks down to Christmas Day, David is running out of time to buy his girlfriend – who also happens to be his boss’s daughter – a thoughtful present, so he resorts to buying a rather uninspired gift card. Now, know about Jolly Good Christmas Movie Filming Locations.
Where Was Jolly Good Christmas Movie Filmed?
Jolly Good Christmas was shot entirely in England, mainly in London, where the story is set. Principal photography for the romance film began in early February 2022 and wrapped a few weeks later that month.
By choosing the film on location, the production department gives the audience an immersive experience and adds authenticity to the story.
The main sequence for Jolly Good Christmas was lensed in London, the capital of England and the largest city, as well as England. Apparently, the film crew camped out in different parts of the city, including residential areas and some scenic spots, to shoot different scenes against different backdrops.
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During filming, the cast and crew filmed some important scenes around Piccadilly Circus. The scene where Angie and David gaze romantically into each other’s eyes was filmed on the banks of the River Thames. You can also see Big Ben in the background of some series.
Located in the southeast of England, London is considered one of the major cities in the world due to its strong influence on many industries such as art, fashion, education, healthcare, entertainment, tourism, trade, and more. It is home to many World Heritage Sites – Tower of London, Kew Gardens and Palace of Westminster, Westminster Abbey, and St Margaret’s Cathedral.
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Apart from tourists, London is frequented by many filmmakers for filming purposes. Over the years, the city has hosted several movies and TV shows.
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