“The Gabby Petito Story” revolves around Gabby Petito, a 22-year-old girl who embarks on a cross-country road trip with her fiancé Brian Laundrie. It doesn’t take long for their cute companionship to turn into a nightmare for Gabby when conflicts begin to arise between them. Directed by Thora Birch, the film follows a terrifying turn of events that rewrites Gabby’s future when she realizes that her fiancé is not who she thought he was.
Since the film follows a road trip, there are some captivating locations in it. Gabby and Laundrie’s journey takes them from New York to Wyoming in The Gabby Petito Story film.
Where Was The Gabby Petito Story Movie Filmed?
‘The Gabby Petito Story’ was filmed entirely in the state of Utah, specifically in Salt Lake City and Moab. Directed by Eitan Almagor, the film was shot in the summer of 2022.
Although a substantial part of the film’s narrative takes place in Wyoming, Utah’s neighboring state, it ended up being filmed entirely in the “Hive State.”
Salt Lake City
Filming of ‘The Gabby Petito Story’ primarily took place in Salt Lake City, Utah’s capital and most populous city. The attractive city sits in a mountain valley with the Wasatch Mountains to the east and north and the Oquirrh Mountains to the west.
In June 2022, Skyler Samuels, who plays Gabby, and Evan Hall, who plays Laundrie, were spotted in Salt Lake City near the mountains. Canyon Cove, a residential community in Holladay, sixteen miles from Salt Lake City, is another integral location for the film.
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Big Cottonwood Canyon, a canyon located 12 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, represents several scenes set in Wyoming. In fact, Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming was a tragic and significant stop on Gabby and Laundrie’s cross-country trail.
Director Birch had to choose Big Cottonwood Canyon to represent the national park because of their similar appeal as both have mountains and bodies of water. Over the years, Salt Lake City has managed to film several productions such as “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City”, “Dream Home Makeover”, “Love in the Limelight”, “The Christmas Bow”, etc.
Moab, the largest city and county seat of Grand County, Utah, is apparently another location for the film. The real-life Gabby and Laundrie were apprehended by police in Moab after a confrontation between the pair was reported via a 9-1-1 call.
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Birch recreated the police footage for this film, apparently filmed in the same city. The city is the filming location of several acclaimed productions such as ‘Indiana Jones, ‘Westworld’, The Last Crusade, ‘Mission: Impossible, etc.
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