‘Pearl’ or ‘Pearl: An X-traordinary Origin Story’ is a slasher thriller co-written and directed by Ti West that serves as the origin story for the murderous character Pearl. Set in the late 1910s during World War I, the story revolves around the beginning of the title character’s violent tendencies and depicts how the infamous cottage where the “X” massacre took place was used as a boarding house during this period.
Pearl finds herself trapped in her family’s barn, where she is responsible for caring for her ailing father under the supervision of her mother. However, her desire for a glamorous life makes her realize her true ambitious and violent nature.
“Pearl” connects many dots for fans of the original film in the franchise while keeping viewers on the edge of their seats through its gory and suspenseful narrative. Additionally, the familiar background of the barn and house will definitely make you wonder if the prequel was filmed in the same locations as “X” or not.
Where Was Pearl Movie Filmed?
“Pearl” was filmed in New Zealand, specifically in Whanganui and Wellington. Principal photography on the slasher film took place in secret, right after ‘X’ finished production, apparently in May 2021. Like the original film, ‘Pearl’ is set in Texas, but shot entirely in New Zealand.
In a March 2022 interview with IndieWire, Ti West revealed how the film crew came to shoot two movies back-to-back. He said: “I came out of quarantine and I was like, ‘We’re already building all these things, it’s Covid and we’re in the only place on Earth where it’s safe to shoot a movie. We have the entire crew from ‘Avatar 2’ on hiatus. We should make two movies.’”
New Zealand
Many key sequences for “Pearl” were filmed on location in Whanganui District, one of the districts of New Zealand that includes the city of the same name and surrounding areas. The production team camped in and around the famous Lambhill Homestead property in the rural community of Fordell to shoot several scenes involving the house and barn.
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In addition, they even used the premises of the Royal Whanganui Opera House at 69 Street Hill Street in Whanganui. Additionally, Victoria Avenue and Ridgway Street served as important filming locations for exterior shots.
Similar to its prequel, other parts of “Pearl” were also shot in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. Located on the southwestern tip of the North Island, Wellington is often referred to as the country’s cultural capital due to its cultural diversity.
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In addition to the films “Pearl” and “X“, the city has served as a pivotal production location for several films and TV series, such as Avatar, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, What We Do in the Shadows, Spartacus, and The Tribe.
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