‘Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area’ is a South Korean crime drama series created by Kim Hong-sun, Ryu Yong-Jae, Kim Hwan-Chae, and Choe Sung-Jun. Based on an anonymous Spanish series created by Álex Pina. Placed in the same fiction as his parents’ version, the story revolves around an extraordinary strategist, Professor, and his team of well-known thieves who try to rob almost impossible people.
Like the real series, the Korean version also incorporates all sorts of twists and turns as the team faces a number of challenges during the robbery. ‘Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area’ explores many interesting themes, such as what appears in the Spanish version, which keeps viewers at the edges of their seats. Now, know about Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area series filming locations.
Where Was Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area Series Filmed?
‘Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area’ is fully recorded in South Korea, especially in Seoul and Pyongyang. Recording for the first season of the heist series was discontinued in July 2021 due to the COVID-19 epidemic. A few months later, the main photography of the first duplicate appeared to start in September 2021 and was wrapped up in early 2022.
Officially known as the Republic of Korea, South Korea is a Southeast Asian country that forms the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. Due to the growth of Korean pop culture, South Korean tourism has had a positive impact, with many tourists visiting the country every year.
South Korea
Most of the ‘Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area’ series is filmed in and around Seoul, the capital and capital city of South Korea. The production team traveled across Seoul Special City to record a number of outdoor and indoor scenes for the crime drama series, which may include scenes of robbery. Located in northwest South Korea, Seoul is surrounded by eight mountains and high plateaus of the Han River, making its landscape very varied and varied.
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As a major tourist destination, Seoul has more than 100 museums, including the National Museum of Korea, the National Folk Museum, the National Palace Museum of Korea, and many more. In addition, in addition to ‘Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area,’ the city has hosted production for several other recording projects, including ‘Parasite,’ ‘Star Trek Beyond,’ and ‘Squid Game.
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Additional parts of the first season of the robbery series were also recorded in Pyongyang, the capital and capital city of North Korea. Also known as the “Capital of Reformation,” it is considered one of the oldest cities in the country and is located on the Taedong River.
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Pyongyang is home to several world-famous landmarks, including the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, the Juche Tower, Kim Il-sung Square, and the Arch of Triumph. Thanks to the city’s impressive landscapes, they have been featured in many products. Other notable ones are ‘Comrade Kim Flying,’ ‘Mole: Undercover in North Korea,’ and ‘Crossing the Line.’
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