‘New Heights’ is a Swiss drama series revolving around a budding management consultant, Michi Wyss. He lives in the city of Zurich after leaving his rural life. But things change dramatically when his father commits suicide, leaving behind a whole family and debt. Michi faces a difficult decision – save his family farm or focus on his job.
Included Julian Koechlin, Rachel Braunschweig, and Sophie Hutter in key roles, ‘New Heights’ is heavily organized behind a large farm in the valley. Thanks to its amazing and rich graphics that enhance the narrative, viewers are left in awe of the characters from the series.
Where Was New Heights (Neumatt) Series Filmed?
‘New Heights’ is recorded in Switzerland, mainly in the city of Zürich and the city of Uster. The main photography of the series launch seems to have started in the third half of 2020 and ended in December 2020.
The main episodes of ‘New Heights’ are lensed in Zürich, the regional capital of Zürich and the largest city in Switzerland. Located northwest of Lake Zürich, it is the backbone of roads, trains, and air traffic. With so many beautiful and diverse places, the city makes an ideal place to record a variety of recording projects.
In addition, Zürich is home to several churches and museums such as Grossmünster, Predigerkirche, Zürich Museum of Art, Museum of Design, and the Swiss National Museum, among many others. Several well-known films and TV shows have been recorded in the city, such as ‘The Muppets,’ ‘The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo,’ ‘Wilder,’ ‘The Informant,’ and ‘The Psycho Series.’
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To continue recording the first season, the production team traveled to Uster, east of Zürich. It is the third-largest city in central Zürich. Since much of its territory is forested or used for farming purposes, it is an ideal place to shoot a farm-focused series such as, ‘New Heights.’ in Uster.
Located in Lake Greifensee, Uster has a beautiful watery area. The village even has many of the world’s landmarks, including Uster Reformed Church, Frie Kirche Uster, and Uster Castle. In addition, Uster is known for its efforts to preserve its beautiful antique appearance while incorporating modern design into architecture. Indeed, this aging works well for creating the ambiance needed for Netflix production.
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