‘The Book of Eli’ is a post-apocalyptic movie about the story of a lone survivor named Eli who cuts through the remnants of a postwar world, hoping to improve human suffering. It happened 30 years after the tragedy, and man is in a position to keep a record of Earth’s secrets to recovery.
In addition to showcasing the main characters, Denzel Washington and Gary Oldman, ‘The Book of Eli’ did an excellent job of conveying the story with its visual beauty. The vastness of the world without the hints of the chaos of urban life makes us wonder where this movie was shot. The Book of Eli.
Where Was The Book of Eli Movie Filmed?
‘The Book of Eli’ was recorded in the southwestern parts of the country, mainly in New Mexico. The main photography began on January 26, 2009, and ended on May 1, 2009. With its compelling locations, the story is about the war and the aftermath of war!
New Mexico
‘The Book of Eli’ was shot in New Mexico, known for its wide range and diversity. The production team set up one of its bases a short distance from Albuquerque airport, where civilization has not yet taken place. It was discovered that it was a dumping ground for weed with the remains of weeds and an infinite sheet of dusty plains lined up.
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The main set was developed at Albuquerque Studios, located in the development of Albuquerque’s Mesa del Sol. The company has eight sound segments, production offices, and a backyard.
To produce the movie ‘The Book of Eli,’ high-tech tools were used to achieve the ingenuity of the movie. The Hughes brothers (directors) enthusiastically revealed the process that culminated in Gary Oldman, in which various camera sets were used to produce one excellent game. The lunch tent was built outside despite the fact that the studio was inside the house, exposing the actors and staff to an intolerable atmosphere and frustration.
The Book of Eli movie was also courtesy of Carrizozo, a town in Lincoln County. It is famous for having beautiful views of the high deserts and its world-famous cherry cider. You will not find it crowded because it accommodates about 1,000 people. Dirk Norris, who represented Carrizozo in the State movie Office, said they allowed the movie crew to run the shoot for free. Mr. Norris also praised the city’s flexibility. According to him, Carrizozo can be made to look like anything!
Michael Dellheim, a local manager, talked about a block in the city that needed to be repaired because of the movie. The village seemed old, so the team closed the main road for about two months, allowing them to rebuild and restore the area. Reports indicate that locals will never forget the sound of the movie shooting on 12th Street.
The production team apparently used Styrofoam over a few blocks to create the illusion of a bombed-out land. To some extent, the city was hospitable to actors and staff who were fortunately treated by the locals. Many staff members were forced to stay in Alamogordo and move back and forth on the set.
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Other places in the province that have served as recording studios include Cochiti Pueblo and Alamogordo. The latter is a town in the Chihuahuan Desert bordering the Sacramento Mountains and the Holloman Air Force Base.
The creators have chosen to make the movie mostly in New Mexico because it has distinct desert areas that are seen in other hot products such as ‘Terminator: Salvation,’ ‘No World for Adults,’ and ‘Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.’ Aside from the beautiful scenery, the highly profitable tax rebate has enabled filmmakers to shoot in the aforementioned areas.
The Book of Eli movie also expanded its base in New Mexico’s capital, Santa Fe. It is best known for its Pueblo-style architecture and creative art background. The recording of ‘Eli’s Book’ took place at New Mexico Prison, a highly secure men’s prison, located in Santa Fe County on New Mexico State Road 14.
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