“Christmas in the Rockies” is a Christmas-themed romantic drama that follows a young woman, Katie, whose father is injured in a wood accident. Now, as his family business faces an unprecedented threat of bankruptcy, Katie decides to take matters into her own hands and take part in the wood jack competition. There, she crosses path with paramedic Harrison Brock, who provides Katie’s father with life-saving help after an unfortunate accident.
As Katie and Harrison get to know each other, an unexpected love affair begins during the Christmas celebrations. Filming for the Lumberjack competition and the development of Katie and Harrison’s heart-to-heart relationships were all filmed in snow-covered areas, giving the audience a holiday season feel. Christmas in the Rockies.
Where Was Christmas in the Rockies Movie Filmed?
Christmas in the Rockies, Directed by Justin G. Dyke and Amy Force, the movie was shot entirely in Ontario. The East-Central Canadian province of Great White North has been a major center of filmmaking and over the years, many Christmas films have been shot there.
Some popular names are ‘Christmas Movie Magic,’ ‘A Sisterly Christmas,’ ‘A Christmas Village Romance.’ and ‘My Favorite Christmas Melody,’ Shooting details
Principal photography for ‘Christmas in the Rockies’ took place in May 2020 in Toronto, the capital of Ontario. The festival film was one of the first films to start filming after the initial lockdown relaxation in the city.
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Manufacturers must ensure that all Kovid-19 protocols recommended by the government are implemented. Apart from this, it is mandatory to follow all safety measures like regular testing, face mask/shield, and social distancing. Fortunately, filming went smoothly and the pandemic was not greatly affected.
Kimberly-Sue Murray led the talented cast of “Christmas in the Rockies” as Katie Jolly, the protagonist of a timber competition to save her family business. Her acting credits include “My Fathers Other Family”, “The Wedding Planners” and “V-Wars”.
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