Hallmark’s “#Xmas,” directed by Heather Hawthorn-Doyle, is a romantic comedy about a young woman named Jen. Although she is known for her Christmas projects, her social media presence is lacking, to say the least. A brand design contest might be just what Jen needs, and she decides to enter the contest as a family influencer. With the help of her best friend Max and her little nephew, Jen posts a video of her “happy family”.
However, the plan ends up working too well and Jen is chosen as one of the finalists. Torn between uncovering the truth or potentially winning the competition, Jen must also contend with the complicated feelings that have surfaced along the way.
Due to its humorous and heartfelt story, the film can easily engage the audience. One of the biggest appeals of a Hallmark production is its eye-catching visuals, which help viewers feel the full Christmas spirit. People are naturally eager to know where the #Xmas movie was shot.
Where Was #Xmas Movie Filmed?
The #Xmas show, part of Hallmark’s ‘Countdown to Christmas’ lineup, was filmed in the port city of Vancouver in Canada’s westernmost province of British Columbia.
The film was shot under the cinematography of the talented Melissa “Mel” Ward, known for her work in “In Merry Measure”.
British Columbia
Hallmark’s “#Xmas” was filmed primarily in Vancouver, British Columbia. The cast of the film seems to have enjoyed their time during production and has nothing but positive things to say about their experience.
While working on the #Xmas film, they seem to have had a lot of fun behind the scenes and seem to have fostered a genuine connection with each other. The heartwarming atmosphere of the film may also be due to the friendly bonds between the actors.
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“I am so grateful to be a part of this film. We had the most amazing cast, incredible crew, and tons of fun,” actress Clare Bowen, who plays Jen in the Hallmark movie, said in one of her Instagram posts. She seems particularly fond of director Heather Hawthorn-Doyle and her work ethic. The director also expressed her happiness with the film and also how much fun she had during the shoot.
Vancouver is one of the most important cities in the Great White North and has long been a center of attraction for various industries. From filmmakers to business professionals, the port city has a place for everyone. It has a rich history dating back thousands of years as it served as home to several indigenous peoples. It was formally founded in 1870 and has only grown in prominence since then.
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The architecture of several buildings in Vancouver is reminiscent of the traditional European style, which gives the city a historical feel. Combined with other modern buildings in the area, Vancouver has an indescribable skyline that allows filmmakers to use the city as a setting for various locations around the world. Those looking for a European background or a more modern location have quite a few backdrops to choose from.
Nicknamed Hollywood North, Vancouver has remained a favorite among filmmakers for many years due to its welcoming weather, variety of locations, skilled technicians, tax benefits, and other production facilities.
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