In Netflix’s paranormal reality series 28 Days Haunted, teams of psychic communicators and ghost hunters descend on three locations with infamous spooks and terrors, where for four weeks their investigations will be followed by cameras and monitors.
Will this total immersion allow them to tear the “veil” between the human and spirit worlds, as famous paranormal detectives Ed and Lorraine Warren theorized? If they succumb to 28 Days Haunted, will you be interested in 28 minutes?
Three teams in three locations – Denver, CO, Preston, CT, and Madison, NC – continue to get paranormal scares in the days ahead. Over time, there were bursts of “Something’s up, dude!” and “this feels like a warning” and “I just saw a complete shadow” became one guy caught in a night vision tearing off his shirt to better face some supernatural
In addition, the various properties seen in the episodes will probably make one wonder where the 28 Days Haunted paranormal show is filmed.
Where Was 28 Days Haunted Series Filmed?
“28 Days Haunted” is filmed in North Carolina, Colorado, and Connecticut, specifically in Madison, Denver, and Preston. Principal photography for the first iteration of the horror reality show has seemingly taken place in the summer of 2021.
Now, know about the 28 Days Haunted series filming locations.
North Carolina
Some key sequences for “28 Days Haunted” are also filmed in Madison, a city in Rockingham County, North Carolina. To be specific, Madison Dry Goods Co Inc at 104 West Murphy Street served as one of the allegedly haunted properties where paranormal investigators stayed for 28 days in the first season of the Netflix show.
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It is currently a clothing store, but over the years the building has become a hotel and a funeral home. Many people have claimed to have seen a little girl in the old burial family visiting room, making it an interesting place for ghost hunters.
One of three teams of investigators in the debut season sets up camp in Denver, a consolidated city and county, Colorado’s capital and most populous city. In particular, The Lumber Baron Inn & Gardens at 2555 West 37th Avenue is one of the properties that a team of professionals examines over the course of 28 days.
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The building has some harrowing history, including the rape and murder of a 17-year-old girl in 1970, which is allegedly blamed for the paranormal activity that occurs on the property today.
Several scenes for “28 Days Haunted” take place in Preston, a town in New London County, Connecticut. One team of paranormal investigators took up residence in Captain Grant’s 1754 on 109 CT-2A for 28 days in the first season.
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The historic and reputedly haunted guesthouse is not only a place to rest and relax, but also to connect with the friendly spirits that haunt the property, making it a suitable location for the filming of a reality series.
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