Hallmark’s romantic movie ‘Christmas for Keeps’ revolves around the life of a group of friends who return to their hometown a decade later to celebrate the Christmas spirit the way their high school teacher would want. After the death of their beloved adviser, Avery, and his associates decided to honor him by celebrating the holiday season, which was his favorite time of the year.
The stunning illustrations, ornaments, and colors of this movie are a delight to the eyes. If you want to know about the places used to record an attractive Hallmark Christmas movie, we will discuss it. Christmas for Keeps.
Where Was Christmas for Keeps Movie Filmed?
As part of the Christmas Miracle network program, the filming of the movie ‘Christmas for Keeps’ probably began on October 4, 2021, and was completed on October 25 of that year.
The production of Hallmark Movies & Mysteries was filmed in the Canadian province of western British Columbia, which is a major movie and television venue for Hallmark.
British Columbia
‘Christmas for Keeps’ was shot high in the beautiful town of Langley. Part of Metro Vancouver County, Langley is a 15-20 minute drive from Vancouver and usually serves as the location for many television shows and films. A few scenes of Fred Gerber’s direction may have been recorded on Salt Lane and Brogan’s Diner. Located on 20555 56th Avenue, the restaurant is famous for its burgers, fried, milkshakes, and the delightful ambiance of the 1950s.
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A few scenes were probably shot at Brookswood Secondary School, located in the Brookswood community center in Langley township. The area is known for its lush parks, trees, and other natural habitats.
Part of the ‘Christmas for Keeps’ may have been recorded in Vancouver and surrounding areas. With its narrow streets and diverse landscapes with hilly and flat terrain, the seaside town serves as an ideal location for recording purposes. With fewer studios in the area, filmmakers are making an extra profit while filming in the city.
It is not uncommon for Christmas movies to be filmed in Vancouver all year round. The city can be seen behind Christmas movies such as ‘A Glenbrooke Christmas’ and ‘Jingle Bell Bride.’ The Hallmark movie was co-produced with The Association of Canadian Movie Craftspeople.
It is a British Columbia-based movie union that provides talented independent professionals in the movie industry working in the area. Not surprisingly, the interior light of the movie set, as well as the extraordinary Christmas decorations, inside and out, add to the amount of feel that the holiday season brings. Christmas for Keeps.
Related – Christmas Takes Flight (2021): Where Was Romance Movie Filmed?