‘Gaslit’ is an exciting short-lived political Tv series due to its combined appeal of stellar acting, screenplay, and total production value. The story, borrowed from the first season of Leon...
‘Swimming With Sharks’ is a drama series around a seemingly absurd young helper named Lou Simms, attacked by the company’s chief executive, Joyce Holt. In a short time, Lou becomes...
‘Slow Horses’ is an exciting spy program. The real Apple TV + series sees Gary Oldman take off the costume of Jackson Lamb, a ruthless tenant in a paper-based cleaner...
'Ex on the Beach' is a British reality Tv series of the same name, which brings together ten participants on the beautiful beach to "go on vacation." However, there is...
‘Atlanta’ is a comedy Tv series based on the rap music scene of the famous city of Georgia. It focuses on Earnest “Earn” Marks, a lucky single father who hopes...
‘Halo’ is a sci-fi TV series based on the anonymous video game franchise. Organized in the 26th century, the show revolves around the ongoing war between the United Nations Space...
‘Life & Beth’ TV comedy series on Hulu. Following is Beth, a wealthy Manhattan wine distributor who has a long-term relationship with her boyfriend. However, her seemingly perfect life changed...
The reality Tv series ‘Below Deck Sailing Yacht’ premiered on February 3, 2020, in Bravo. It is a series of ‘Below Deck’ series, which also plays on the same network....
'Below Deck Down Under' is a real series that follows team members as they fulfill their responsibilities on the yacht while exploring the complex and explosive elements that come with...
The ‘WeCrashed’ drama TV series on Apple TV +. Based on the podcast ‘WeCrashed: The Rise and Fall of Weork’ by Wondery, the show chronicles the rapid growth and fall...