“The Devil Conspiracy” Directed by Nathan Frankowski, is a fantasy thriller that revolves around an advanced biotech company that comes up with a revolutionary technology. It allows them to clone some of the most influential people in Earth’s history using only a few fragments of DNA. However, this organization is controlled by a satanic cult that has the DNA of Jesus Christ at its disposal.
The clone that society creates using Jesus’ DNA serves as the final offering to the devil. Saint Michael, the archangel himself, goes to earth and opposes the devil to stop this plot. While the catchy angel versus devil theme keeps the audience hooked from start to finish, the numerous gothic background locations will probably make you wonder where The Devil Conspiracy was filmed.
Where Was The Devil Conspiracy Movie Filmed?
The Devil Conspiracy was filmed in the Czech Republic and Italy, particularly in Prague, the Liberec Region, Telč, Kladruby, Vinařice, and Turin.
According to reports, the principal photography of the horror thriller began in April 2019 under the working title “devil” and ended in June of the same year.
Czech Republic
The production team of ‘The Devil Conspiracy’ primarily camped in and around Prague, the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic, to shoot several key sequences. The key locations were Klementinum, a complex of buildings, and Platnéřská street in Josefov, both in Prague. In addition, the filming unit allegedly used the premises of the church of St. Gabriel or Gabriel Loci at Holečkova 106/10, 150 00 Prague 5-Smíchov.
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Significant parts of ‘Devil’s Conspiracy’ was filmed in the Liberec region, an administrative unit located in the Czech Republic. The village of Malá Skála in the district of Jablonec nad Nisou was, together with Modlivý Dol near the village of Svojkov, one of the main filming locations. In addition, various important scenes were recorded in Hell’s Mine (Biker’ Cave) on Lindava 315 in the city of Cvikov. Unfortunately, it is temporarily closed as of the day of writing.
In order to shoot important sequences for ‘The Devil Conspiracy’, the team traveled to several other locations throughout the Czech Republic. They set up camp, for example, at the castle in Telč and its surroundings on nám. Zachariáše z Hradec 1, in Telč.
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However, it is temporarily closed at the moment. During the production, the actors and crew members were also spotted filming various parts in the Kladruby Monastery at Pozorka 1 in Kladruby. In addition, Lom Homolák 267 01 Vinařice is a picturesque quarry that appears in the direction of Nathan Frankowski.
Other parts of ‘The Devil Conspiracy’ were ostensibly shot in and around Turin, a city and cultural center in northern Italy. Also known as the Magic City, Turin’s architecture is quite historic and well-preserved. There are several beautiful churches and parks in and around the city.
These include the Santuario della Consolata, the Basilica of Superga, the Basilica of Our Lady Help of Christians, the Parco del Valentino, and the Parco della Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi.
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