Netflix’s “The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House” Based on the popular Japanese manga series “Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House” by Aiko Koyama, is a Japanese drama tv series. It follows Kiyo and her best friend Sumire as they move to Kyoto’s geisha district to pursue their dream of becoming maiko, entertainers who perform traditional songs and dances.
Both friends try to turn their dreams into reality, but the first one realizes that she is not cut out for it. Instead of letting this harsh reality dampen her spirits, she decided to move forward with another passion — cooking.
Sooner rather than later, Kiyo manages to make her way into the hearts of the residents through her delicious meals and supports them as they pursue their passion. The wholesome drama is complemented by heartfelt performances from the talented ensemble of Nana Mori, Natsuki Deguchi, and Aju Makita. The relatively lighter tone coupled with the use of interesting locations will probably make you curious about the actual filming locations of the series.
Where Was The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House Series Filmed?
“The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House” was filmed completely in Japan, particularly in Kyoto Prefecture, where most of the story takes place.
Principal photography for the debut iteration of the drama show is said to have taken place in early 2022.
Most of “The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House” takes place in Kyoto Prefecture, in Japan’s Kansai region of Honshu. By the looks of it, the cast and crew have seemingly camped out at the actual residence or one of the film studios in the prefecture to shoot the scenes at Maiko’s house.
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Kyoto, the largest city and capital of the prefecture of the same name, is ostensibly one of the main production locations for Japanese drama series. The city is considered a national cultural capital and a popular tourist destination with many landmarks and places of interest.
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Some of them are Joutenkaku Museum, Hakusasonso Hashimoto Kansetsu Garden and Museum, Kamigamo Shrine, and Shimogamo Shrine. In addition, its locations have appeared in various films, including “The Pillow Book” “Lost in Translation”, and “After the Rain”.