Netflix’s “Mars One” or “Marte Um”, written and directed by Gabriel Martins, is a Brazilian drama that revolves around a lower-middle-class black family. The Martins live on the outskirts of a big city, but they are not afraid to dream and hope for a better life.
The narrative focuses on each member of the family as they go through their struggles and get to know their family ties. The mother of the Tércia family is forced to question whether she carries a curse after encountering something unexpectedly grim. On the other hand, her husband Wellington is grooming their son Deivingh to become an established footballer.
While Deivinho works hard to fulfill his father’s ambitions, his secret wish is to study astrophysics and colonize Mars in the future. Not only that, Eunice, his older sister, and Martin’s older daughter, falls in love with a young woman and wonders if it’s time to break up with her family.
The family drama evokes intense feelings in the hearts of the viewer’s thanks to the realistic and relatable themes it deals with. At the same time, the environment of an economically unstable household and a backward neighborhood raises the question of where the movie “Mars One” was filmed.
Where Was Mars One Movie Filmed?
“Mars One” was filmed entirely in Brazil, mainly in Minas Gerais. According to reports, principal photography for the drama film began in November 2018 and wrapped up in about a month, in December of the same year.
Many key sequences for “Mars One” were filmed in Minas Gerais, Brazil’s second most populous and fourth largest state by area. As the story takes place between Contagion and Belo Horizonte, the crew decided to shoot most of the film on location across the two cities.
Specifically, Milanez, Jardim Laguna, and Bailão Farrinha in R. Tiradentes, 3001 – Industrial 3 Seção, all in Contagem, served as important locations of the film’s production.
In addition, several key scenes were apparently filmed in and around the GIS CLUB at Avenida Barbacena, 33A – Barro Preto in Belo Horizonte. In an interview with Variety in early December 2021, director Gabriel Martins was asked about the artistic benefits of shooting the film in regional settings such as Contagem and Belo Horizonte.
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Mars One filmmaker explained, “I think we’re developing stories in a place where we don’t have a big historical background of cinema. This gives us the opportunity to explore a lot of places that have never been seen through a film lens.
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We have many aspects that are very specific to this place, from the geography to the way people speak, and I think that will spark interest in a lot of people as something fresh. From our perspective, it’s the world we grew up in, but at the same time, it’s a new world we’re building for ourselves while filming.”
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