Netflix’s “Time Hustler” or “O Cangaceiro do Futuro” created by Halder Gomes is a Brazilian comedy tv series that follows a financially strapped and immoral father named Virguley who finds it difficult to pay all the bills associated with living in a big city. However, there is one thing that makes him special, and that is the fact that he resembles the 20th-century bandit leader Lampião. One day he gets into a fight and is so badly beaten that he allows himself to be transported to 1927, where the locals mistake him for Lampiã due to his uncanny resemblance.
Realizing the advantages of this situation, Virguley sets out on the tide, pretending to be the real leader of the bandits. But when he crosses paths with the real Lampião, things get complicated for him. The time travel theme combined with all the comedic elements makes for a hilarious and entertaining watch. The smooth transition from a modern city to an arid region in the 1920s reflects the change in Virguley’s life. So it’s only natural that you wonder where “Time Hustler” is filmed.
Where Was Time Hustler Series Filmed?
“Time Hustler” is filmed completely in Brazil, particularly in Ceará and São Paulo. According to reports, principal photography for the initial iteration of the comedy series will begin in November 2021 and wrap up in February 2022.
Brazil’s vast and versatile landscape, which includes both developed and underdeveloped areas, serves as an ideal location for a show like ‘Time Hustler.’
To shoot scenes set in the 1920s, the production team of “Time Hustler” will camp in Ceará, a state located in the northeastern part of Brazil. Several pivotal sequences for the series took place in the municipality of Quixadá, particularly around the Sertão Central Ce. Reportedly, a key part of Season 1 filming took place in a mini stage town still in the municipality, built mainly for the show due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Other parts of ‘Time Hustler’, especially those set in the big city where the protagonist lives, are shot in São Paulo, Brazil’s most populous city. Cast and crew members use various locations throughout the city, including the area around Vale do Anhangabaú on Av. São João – Centro Histórico de São Paulo, to record several exterior scenes for the show.
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In addition, the filming unit uses the facilities of Estúdios Quanta in R. Mergenthaler, 1000 – Vila Leopoldina. It is not only a film studio but also the largest rental house in the country. In addition to ‘Time Hustler’, São Paulo has hosted the production of a number of films and TV shows over the years. Some of them are Bem-vinda and Quixeramobim, The Other Mother, Someone Borrowed, and Nobody’s Watching.
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