Netflix’s ‘Trolley’, created by Kim Moon-gyo, Kwon Da-som, and Rheu Bo-ri, is a South Korean drama tv series that revolves around the wife of a member of the National Assembly who is forced to leave her privacy after an unexpected tragedy. Living a quiet and peaceful life while keeping his past buried until now, she must find the courage to face the secrets of her and her family’s past.
The drama series features some impressive on-screen performances from talented actors including Kim Hyun-Joo, Kim Moo-yeol, Park Hee-soon, Su-bin Chung, and Kwang Jang, further enhancing the quality of the narrative. While the dramatic twists and turns keep viewers in suspense with each episode, the interesting locations make one wonder where ‘Trolley’ is being filmed.
Where Was Trolley Series Filmed?
“Trolley” is filmed completely in South Korea, ostensibly in Seoul. Principal photography for the initial iteration of the family drama series is said to have taken place in the fall of 2022.
Since the story takes place in South Korea, it makes sense why the makers decided to shoot the series in an Asian country.
South Korea
Most of the key sequences for “Trolley” may be set in and around Seoul, South Korea’s capital and largest metropolis. From the looks of it, the cast and crew have seemingly set up camp in various locations around the city to shoot scenes on suitable backdrops. Located in the northwestern region of South Korea, Seoul is considered a global city and is considered an Alpha-City by the Globalization and World Cities Research Network (GaWC).
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Officially known as Seoul Special City, it has a vast and diverse landscape with modern architecture surrounded by mountainous and hilly areas, making it a suitable filming location for all projects. Some notable modern landmarks in the metropolis are the 63 Building, N Seoul Tower, Lotte World Tower, Dongdaemun Design Plaza, Parc1, and Trade Tower.
It also contains several museums such as the National People’s Museum, the War Memorial, the National Palace Museum of Korea, and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.
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In addition, Seoul is the birthplace of K-pop and is home to Korean culture and major entertainment companies. In addition to tourists, filmmakers often visit the capital for the purpose of filming. Over the years, Seoul has hosted the production of many movies and TV shows, including ‘Hunt’, ‘Parasite’, ‘Return to Seoul’, ‘Broker’, ‘Doom at Your Service’ and ‘Remarriage & Desires’.
Related – Time Hustler (2022): Where Was Netflix’s Series Filmed?