“Empire of Light” is a romantic drama set in the 1980s that revolves around a cinema manager named Hilary and a young new employee at her cinema, Stephen, written and directed by Sam Mendes. While the former struggles with several mental health issues and questions life, Stephen is someone who is trying to get away from the coastal town where he is exposed to adversity quite often. As Hilary and Stephen get to know each other, they grow closer and finally find a sense of belonging, something that comforts them both.
The pair’s deeply emotional journey epitomizes the power of human connection in dire situations and how music, cinema, and togetherness can have a healing effect on a hurting heart. The intense narrative, which includes the budding romance between Hilary and Stephen, keeps the audience enthralled from start to finish. At the same time, the coastal cinema setting in the 1980s makes you wonder where “Empire of Light” was filmed.
Where Was Empire of Light Movie Filmed?
The “Empire of Light” movie was filmed completely in England, particularly in Kent, London, West Sussex, and East Sussex. According to reports, principal photography for director Sam Mendes began in February 2022 and ended in late May of that year.
Most of the key sequences for ‘Empire of Light’ were filmed in Kent, a county in southeast England. In particular, the seaside town of Margate in Kent served as the main production location for Olivia Colman’s lead role.
The Dreamland Cinema at 52 Marine Terrace in Margate was transformed as its neon sign was replaced by the Empire Cinema sign to represent the cinema that Hilary owns in the film. Not only that, but the production team even built a life-size replica of the old Dreamland cinema for the film, complete with stalls, chandeliers, and a staircase.
The crew also used the nearby Dreamland Margate theme park at 49-51, Marine Terrace for filming purposes. Several key scenes were also filmed at Margate Train Station at Station Approach, Margate Seafront, Margate Main Sands Beach at Droit House at Stone Pier, Darcy’s Cafe at 21 Marine Gardens, Margate Town Hall, Nayland Rock Shelter at Royal Promenade Cres in Westbrook, a neighborhood of Old Town and the waterfront area of Cliftonville.
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In addition, Manston International Airport on Manston Road in Ramsgate is another important filming location that features in the film. In order to give audiences an authentic 1980s atmosphere, the “Empire of Light” crew included vintage cars, fireworks, fake snow, old movie premieres, and fake rain, as well as a mass scene with mods and skinheads.
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The production team of ‘Empire of Light’ has also reportedly camped in London, the capital and largest city of England as well as the United Kingdom, for the purpose of shooting. During filming, they were spotted filming several scenes in Kensington.
It is a district located in the west of central London. She has hosted the production of many films and TV shows over the years, including “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” “Love Actually”, and “Bridgerton”
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Further parts of ‘Empire of Light’ were recorded at several other locations throughout South East England. In March 2022, Olivia Colman and the rest of the crew were spotted working on several parts of the Worthing Pavilion Theater and the Pavilion Pier in front of it, on Marine Parade, Worthing, West Sussex. In addition, some key beach scenes were filmed on location at Camber Sands beach in the village of Camber, East Sussex, near Rye.