Hallmark’s “My Southern Family Christmas,” directed by Emily Moss Wilson, is a romantic comedy family film that revolves around journalist Campbell, who heads to a small Louisiana town to cover the story of Pere Noel’s Christmas celebrations and their metaphorical Santa. a man named Everett. The other turns out to be Campbell’s estranged biological father, Everett. While working on his story, Campbell decides to keep his true identity from him.
However, as Campbell spends more time with Everett, his new family, and the town recorder, he discovers that families are complicated but wonderful. She ends up facing the dilemma of revealing her secret identity to her father and his family, which could change the family’s Christmas forever.
The backdrop of the winter holiday season and small-town aesthetic heighten the appeal of this Hallmark production’s warm storytelling. Naturally, this begs the question of where “My Southern Family Christmas” was actually filmed.
Where Was My Southern Family Christmas Movie Filmed?
“My Southern Family Christmas” movie was completely set and filmed in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana metropolitan area, specifically in the cities of Baton Rouge and Sorrento.
The shooting of the comedy film began on September 6, 2022, and ended the same month.
Much of ‘My Southern Family Christmas’ was filmed in a neighborhood in the Baton Rouge area. Filming began on September 6, 2022, in this area. Celtic Studios in Baton Rouge was also used to film interior scenes for the film. Other notable productions shot at the studio include ‘True Blood, ‘Battleship’, ‘The Fantastic Four’ and more.
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Most of the key scenes for ‘My Southern Family Christmas’ were filmed in Ascension Parish, Louisiana, particularly in the town of Sorrento. The film featured the famous Cajun Village and Coffee House in Sorrento, where many scenes were filmed. Filming at the said location began on September 21, 2022, and continued until September 23, 2022.
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Speaking to BR Proud, producer Daniel Lewis, who is from Sorrento, said: “Most of the crew are from Louisiana, as are a few of the cast. Speaking about the hospitality of the townspeople, Lewis added: “Roberts and all the vendors and the community of Sorrento have been very supportive. Other notable productions filmed at the location include ’21 Jump Street, ‘Captain Marvel’ ‘The Apostle’, and more.
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