Netflix’s “Malverde: El Santo Patrón” Based on the life of Mexican folkloric bandit Jesús Malverde, is a biographical period drama series created by Luis Zelkowicz. Set in 1910, the story follows the legend of the title character who, despite his troubled childhood as an orphan, became a heroic figure to the public during the Mexican Revolution. Although Jesús gains the admiration and respect of women from all walks of life in between his fights, he is still haunted by memories and lingering feelings for his childhood sweetheart Isabel.
The biographical story is made all the more authentic by the brilliant on-screen performances of a group of talented actors and actresses, including Pedro Fernández, Carolina Miranda, Mark Tacher, and Alejandro Nones. In addition, you will probably be interested in the early 20th-century setting and the use of underdeveloped locations throughout the series.
Where Was Malverde: El Santo Patrón Series Filmed?
“Malverde: El Santo Patrón” is being filmed entirely in Mexico, specifically in Cumbres del Ajusco. Principal photography for the inaugural iteration of the biopic series reportedly began in February 2021 and wrapped up in July of that year.
The crew faced several difficulties during production due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic at the time of filming the debut season but was resilient enough to deliver the project on time without compromising the safety of any of the cast and crew members. So let’s take a look at all the specific sites that appear in the Malverde: El Santo Patrón Netflix series!
Most of “Malverde: El Santo Patrón” is made in Cumbres del Ajusco, one of the many national parks near Mexico City. Award-winning production designer Gloria Carrasco and Telemundo’s Valeria Fińana joined forces to recreate the turn-of-the-20th century town of San Blas de Baca, consisting of 11 buildings with 77 sets spread across 215,000 square feet of the top of Mexico. National Park, Cumbres del Ajusco.
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Marcos Santana, showrunner and president of Telemundo Global Studios, said of the set design and production in a statement: “This is one of Telemundo’s most ambitious productions, working with a team of over 190 people to build a complete early 20th-century city with extensive buildings, which recreate the atmosphere of the time.’
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Santana added, “We hope our viewers will feel truly immersed in this era as they enjoy the never-before-told story of the legendary ‘Malverde.'” The built location included many scenes such as a church, a bar, a hacienda, and a marketplace. , houses, and underground dungeons. All were built with attention to detail to accurately and authentically reflect the architecture and mood of the time.
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Located near Mexico City, DF, the national park is popular for its high elevations that reach up to 3,900 meters above sea level. In addition, it has pine-oak forests and alpine pastures that support the production of the drama series. Cumbres del Ajusco translates to waterlogged crests of groves, which is appropriate for this region as it is covered in lush green forest and consists of many flowers.
Related – Glitch (Geullichi) (2022): Where Was Netflix’s Series Filmed?