Netflix’s Glitch or Geullichi, Created by Gin Han-sai and Roh Deok, is a South Korean science fiction mystery series that revolves around Hong-Ji Hyo and her missing boyfriend. When Hong Ji Hyo’s boyfriend suddenly disappears, she sets out on a journey to find out where he is. To facilitate the search, she joins forces with the community of UFO observers and tries to get to the bottom of the mysterious disappearance.
However, in the process, Hong Ji Hyo encounters a dangerous plot that will turn her world upside down. The series features impressive performances from a talented cast consisting of Jeon Yeo-been, NANA, Lee Dong-hwi, and Ryu Kyung-soo. The mystical theme of aliens and UFOs coupled with the use of some interesting locations must make one wonder where ‘Glitch’ is shot.
Where Was Glitch (Geullichi) Series Filmed?
“Glitch” is being shot entirely in South Korea, possibly in and around Seoul. Principal photography on the inaugural iteration of the sci-fi series reportedly began in May 2021 but was briefly halted in July 2021 due to an on-set case of COVID-19.
Production resumed after a short delay and was finally terminated in December of the same year. Now, without further ado, let’s follow Hong-Ji Hyo’s search for her boyfriend and find out about all the specific locations featured in the show!
South Korea
All of the pivotal sequences for ‘Glitch’ are seemingly set in Seoul, the capital and largest metropolis of South Korea. From the looks of it, the camera crew is said to be traveling around the city to shoot various scenes on suitable backdrops for the series. In addition, they may be using the equipment of one of the film studios in Seoul to record scenes with special effects that are common in sci-fi productions.
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Officially known as Seoul Special City, it is located in the northwestern part of South Korea. Seoul’s landscape is a mixture of historical and modern architecture, as it is home to many historical and cultural monuments as well as high-rise buildings. Some of the modern attractions that dominate Seoul’s skyline include Gangnam Finance Center, Namsan Seoul Tower, Tower Palace, and Lotte World Tower.
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Due to its diverse landscape, Seoul is visited by several filmmakers for the purpose of filming. In fact, the city has hosted the production of various kinds of film projects over the years. Movies and TV series such as ‘Train to Busan’, ‘Parasite’, ‘Squid Game’ ‘Bourne Legacy, and ‘All of Us Are Dead feature Seoul locations.
Related – Man on Pause (2022): Where Was Netflix’s Series Filmed?