Netflix’s The Brave Ones is a South African science fiction drama series. Created by the team of Akin Omotoso, Portia Gumede, Robbie Thorpe, and Steven Pillemer. Set in the parallel worlds of a modern place where gods and other heavens exist, it revolves around a seemingly ordinary village girl named Ntsiki who discovers that she is an all-powerful goddess with unique powers.
Now she must put her divine powers to good use by using them to avenge her sister’s death and protect her family and community from the dangers that surround them.
What makes the series of supernatural thrillers all the more captivating are the impressive performances of the talented cast of Sthandile Nkosi, Nomalanga Nkosi, Bonko Khoza, and Gontse Ntshegang. Moreover, the mystical world and background of the village intrigue you to learn about the actual shooting locations. Now, know about The Brave Ones series filming locations.
Where Was The Brave Ones Series Filmed?
“The Brave Ones” is being shot entirely in South Africa, reportedly in Johannesburg. Principal photography for Season 1 likely took place in the summer of 2021 and ended in October of that year. Since the story takes place in contemporary South Africa, it makes sense to use locations in the same nation to film the series.
South Africa is located in southernmost Africa and is known as the most populous country located completely south of the equator. Now, without further ado, we’re going to walk you through all the specific locations featured in The Brave Ones Netflix show!
South Africa
Many pivotal sequences for “The Brave Ones” ostensibly take place in and around Johannesburg, South Africa’s largest city. According to reports, the film crew is traveling across the city to various suburbs to shoot scenes for suitable backdrops for the series.
Also known as the City of Gold, Johannesburg is considered a mega city and falls under one of the 100 largest urban areas in the world.
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Located in the eastern highlands of South Africa, the Highveld, Johannesburg is home to many specialist museums and galleries covering several themes including costume, fossils, military history, Africana, design, and so on.
Some popular ones are the Adler Museum of Medicine, Johannesburg Art Gallery, AECI Dynamite Factory Museum, Origins Center Museum, James Hall Transport Museum, and the South African National Museum of Military History.
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Apart from tourists, several filmmakers visit Joburg for filming. Over the years, the city has hosted the production of various movies and TV series such as ‘District 9’, ‘Dredd’, ‘The Looming Tower,’ and ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron.’
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